Fat reduction: The future, the market, the consumer…

By Kacey Culliney

- Last updated on GMT

What technologies are out there for fat reduction and what does the consumer really want? We find out...
What technologies are out there for fat reduction and what does the consumer really want? We find out...

Related tags Fat reduction Future Consumer Datamonitor consumer

Reduced-fat remains high on the agenda for manufacturers, but what options are out there and what do consumers really want?

BakeryandSnacks.com compiled a special edition on the topic, speaking to experts in formulation and consumer behavior as well as several ingredients majors to find out what was happening in the market and what was on the horizon.

We heard from Campden BRI and Leatherhead Food Research about the promise behind next-generation oil-based emulsions. There’s a lot of lab work going on with water-in-oil, gel-in-oil and double emulsions from both research majors.

Cargill, DuPont and Palsgaard also weighed in on some of the biggest challenges when reducing fat in bakery. The complex nature of bakery production, they said, provided plenty of difficulties when altering fat content but there were technologies and methods out there to help overcome these.

Datamonitor Consumer also brought us up to date on what the consumer really wants in reduced-fat products with Datamonitor Consumer – think it’s just about taste? Think again…

Read our 'tasty fat reduction' special edition coverage here:

Next-generation emulsions the future for fat reduction, claim experts

Fat reduction no piece of cake in bakery, say Cargill, DuPont and Palsgaard

Reduced-fat must engage senses far beyond taste


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