C*Eridex cleared for use in Russia

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Cerestar, the global manufacturer of starch and derivative, has
been given approval to market its all-natural, no-calorie bulk
sweetener C*Eridex in Russia, after receiving certification from
the Russian Ministry of Public Health.

Cerestar, the global manufacturer of starch and derivative, has been given approval to market its all-natural, no-calorie bulk sweetener C*Eridex in Russia, after receiving certification from the Russian Ministry of Public Health.

Certification was given on the basis of studies conducted by the Nutrition Institute in Moscow, which reconfirmed the safety of C*Eridex.

C*Eridex is already marketed in Japan, the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Korea, Taiwan and Singapore.

C*Eridex , high purity crystalline erythritol, is an all-natural non-caloric bulk sweetener produced from starch by fermentation.

It is similar to other polyols as it is tooth-friendly and safe for diabetics.

In addition, it is non-caloric, and is has an good digestive tolerance.

Both benefits are due to its unique metabolic behaviour.

C*Eridex is moderately sweet with a significant cooling effect and taste quality close to sucrose.

According to Cerestar , it presents quantitative and qualitative synergies when used in combination with intense sweeteners, by improving taste and mouthfeel.

It is suitable to replace sucrose in applications where crystalline structure is essential, such as in tabletop sweeteners, fondant and coatings.

C*Eridex can also be used for sugar-free low calorie foods and diet beverages.

In low or zero calorie drinks such as tea and coffee, C*Eridex adds body and mouthfeel, and it masks bitterness and astringency.

C*Eridex is all-natural and has numerous health benefits making it an ideal ingredient in functional beverages.

In Japan, two-thirds of all erythritol is used in beverages with a "healthy" image.

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