Impact of anti-terrorist act on food industry

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) faces the challenging
task of completing three major new regulations by the end of 2003
under the new bioterrorism bill signed into law this week, warns
the US food industry.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) faces the challenging task of completing three major new regulations by the end of 2003 under the new bioterrorism act signed into law by President Bush on 12 June, warns the National Food Processors Association (NFPA).

"While the Bioterrorism Preparedness Actrepresents a broad expansion ofFDA's food-related enforcement authorities, the Agency will need to becircumspect in how it invests its new resources to assure the most effectivefood security protections,"​ said Paul Wood, senior vice president of corporateaffairs for Unilever USA and member of NFPA's Board of Directors.

The NFPA stressed in a statement this week that it is essential that the FDA closely conforms to the intent of Congress because of the sheer scale of the Bioterrorism Act's food provisions and the potential impact on commerce if not properly implemented.

"If nothing else,the aggressive timeframe under which the FDA must complete its work leaveslittle if any margin for error,"​ added Wood. He praised the Congress, the President and his Administration for their efforts to craft a "focused, workable andbipartisan product."

The Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness Act 2002, crafted by Senate and House conferees, aims to ensure that the new law effectively improves the role of the federal government in protecting Americans from the threat of bioterrorism. The Act is a direct result of the terrorist attacks in the US on 11 September 2001.

Kelly Johnston, executive vice president for government affairs and communications for NFPA​, noted that the new law is "the largest expansion of food related enforcement authorities in the history of theFederal Food,Drug and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA). "

In a bid to endorse the Act Johnston added, "The food industrypledges its utmost commitment to work in constructive partnership with theFDA to provide the expertise and capabilities necessary to fully andeffectively implement the food provisions of the Bioterrorism PreparednessAct,"​.

Words are simple, but only time will tell if there really is substance behind the NFPA statement.

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