All news articles for 2024

Precision agriculture needs integrated data to work well. Image Source: Getty Images/andreswd

Will precision agriculture ever be adopted?

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Precision agriculture provides many benefits for farmers and can help suppliers manage food. But with a myriad of issues, including regulation and farmer adoption, will we ever see widespread use?

Pic: GettyImages/Francesco Scantena

The end to forever chemicals in snack packaging?

By Natasha Spencer-Jolliffe

As the US prohibits PFAS chemicals in new food products’ grease-proofing packaging materials and Europe identifies a gap in testing data, calls louden for a total ban on the harmful substances.

Consumer trust in the food industry is declining, why? GettyImages/Drazen Zigic

Trust in food industry declining

By Donna Eastlake

As consumers become increasingly engaged in understanding the contents of the foods they’re consuming, it appears that trust in the food industry is plummeting. But can that trust be restored?

Using isotopic markers, the researchers developed a way of tracing hazelnuts to their geographical origins. Image Source: Getty Images/Daniel Grizelj

Tracing hazelnuts geographical origin: Isotopic markers

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

With food fraud widespread, the geographical origin of hazelnuts must be traced. A new study analysed their isotopic markers to find which ones could link them back to their origin.

How do consumers understand 'gut health'? Image Source: Getty Images/RealPeopleGroup

How do consumers perceive ‘gut health’ products?

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Products targeting ‘gut health’ have a range of benefits, yet these are not always clear in marketing. How do consumers understand gut health, and is this understanding congruent with reality?

Tea prices are rising for a range of reasons. Image Source: Getty Images/imv

Why is the price of tea going up?

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Like many other commodities, tea is increasing in price. This is due to instability: instability in the climate and instability in the world of geopolitics.

The commercialization of gene-edited wheat in China will secure its food security. Pic: GettyImages/Ackert Bueckert

China approves safety of gene-edited wheat

By Gill Hyslop

The Chinese government has granted approval for the production of the country’s inaugural gene-edited wheat variety, a significant step towards the commercialization of genetically modified (GM) food crops.

Image Source: Getty Images/John M Lund Photography Inc

NPD Trend Tracker: From plant-based ice-cream to gluten-free fast food

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

On our NPD Trend Tracker this week, we have a range of new products from big brands; new flavours from Kettle Chips, plant-based thighs from This, plant-based ice cream from Flora Professional, and a gluten free range from Leon. We also have a collaboration...

Kelp seaweed: Is this the next 'superfood' trend? GettyImages/Tammy616

Kelp seaweed: Is this the next 'superfood' trend?

By Donna Eastlake

From the antioxidant effects of blueberries to the cholesterol lowering effects of chia seeds, consumers love so-called superfoods. So could kelp seaweed join the superfood family as a favourite of the wellness world?

Source: Getty/fcafotodigital

Umami Bioworks, Shiok Meats merge to scale cultivated seafood production

By Deniz Ataman

Umami Bioworks and Shiok Meats merge to accelerate the development of sustainable seafood solutions to “provide consumers with mercury-free, nutritious and culturally relevant seafood alternatives, thereby contributing to the regeneration of marine ecosystems,”...

As farmers age, a larger and larger percentage are over 60. Image Source: Getty Images/Henry Arden

How to incentivise farmers to work longer

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

With an ageing population and youth reluctance forcing up the average age of farmers in Europe, how can they be incentivised to stay in a physically demanding job for longer?

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