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FAO to discuss transition to a sustainable, nutritious food system / Pic: GettyImages-Chris2766

Guest Article

Hand in hand to transform agri-food systems in Europe, Central Asia and beyond: FAO

By QU Dongyu, Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

From 2 to 4 November, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is convening its 32nd Session of the Regional Conference for Europe, virtually hosted by the Government of Uzbekistan, where FAO Members will have the opportunity...

Pic: GettyImages/cyano66

How does Nutri-Score impact shoppers’ purchase intentions?

By Flora Southey

A new study out of Belgium has sought to determine the effectiveness of the front-of-pack labelling scheme by asking two key questions: How does Nutri-Score impact the perceived healthiness of a product? And what is its effect on consumer purchase intentions?

Getty Images / Chainarong Prasertthai

Pandemic boosts need for tracking technology in supply chain

By Danielle Masterson

The demand for nutraceuticals and functional foods is expected to witness an upward surge driven by immunity-boosting supplements during the COVID-19 pandemic, with the current times exposing need for technology to address immediate global needs with...

Fresh study confirms global herbal supply chains susceptible to fraud / GettyImages5PH

How safe is your sage? Study uncovers high levels of adulteration

By Katy Askew

A fresh study looking at the authenticity of popular herb sage finds that more than a quarter of products sampled in the UK are adulterated. The results, the researchers say, emphasise that global herb supply chains are susceptible to food fraud.


Kombucha’s potential reaches beyond millennials

By Rachel Arthur

While the US is the most developed market for kombucha, the category is growing in Europe with the drink’s natural and functional positioning ready to tap into health and wellness trends. But the evolution of the French, German and UK markets shows the...

Pret A Manger was awarded the prize for the best vegan pastry 2020

Vegan Food Award winners 2020: Oatly, Tesco, KFC and Pret

By Flora Southey

Food manufacturers, supermarket retailers, and foodservice operators continue to step up their plant-based offerings. UK branch of animal welfare charity PETA highlights some of the most ‘exciting’ and ‘new’ vegan products in its 2020 Vegan Food Awards....

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