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HCC chairman Kevin Roberts unveiled the new marketing campaign at the group's annual conference

Sustainability campaign launched by Welsh meat industry

By Aidan Fortune

A £250,000 marketing and communications campaign to promote the positive environmental story behind the production of Welsh Lamb and Welsh Beef was launched by Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC).

Pic: iStock

Customers won't eat your greens? It’s all their genes

By Oliver Morrison

Sensitivity to bitter tastes may be why some people eat fewer vegetables, according to a study. Researchers hope to learn more from this type of genetic research to help people with aversions to certain foods eat more vegetables in the future.

Over 70,000 fires burned across South-East Asia this dry season ©GettyImages/SPmemory

Greenpeace links fire hotspots with RSPO growers and members

By Flora Southey

A report linking RSPO members and certified growers with this year’s fire hotspots in Indonesia has been published by Greenpeace International. According to the sustainable palm oil organisation, however, Greenpeace's analysis ‘misses the mark’.

Pic: iStock

Lobby group calls for robust salt reduction programme in UK

By Oliver Morrison

Salt is the forgotten killer, according to campaign group Action on Salt. It is calling on Public Health England to allocate ‘sufficient resources to immediately resuscitate’ the UK salt reduction programme.

Irish Whiskey is on the list of European GIs protected in China. Pic:getty/vincent20044

EU and China agree GI protection for 200 products

By Rachel Arthur

The EU and China have concluded negotiations on a bilateral agreement to protect 100 European Geographical Indications in China; and 100 Chinese Geographical Indications in the EU.

Health and nutrition claims are highly regulated in the EU - but is a decade old regulation still fit for purpose? ©GettyImages-Goran13

Guest article

Where do we stand on nutrition and health claims?

By Katia Merten-Lentz and Manon Ombredane, legal experts at Keller and Heckman

How have the current EU regulations on health and nutrition claims evolved and where are they likely to go? Katia Merten-Lentz and Manon Ombredane, legal experts at law firm Keller and Heckman, weigh in.

©GettyImages- vencavolrab

Guest article

The new Agricultural Revolution needs you: Good Food Institute

By Dr. Liz Specht, Associate Director of Science and Technology for The Good Food Institute

In the 1960s and '70s, a series of papers and books like Paul Ehrlich’s The Population Bomb promised that before the turn of the millennium, humanity would be devastated by cataclysmic famines, deadly food riots, and disastrous resource wars.

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