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The antibiotic use in meat debate continues to divide opinion

Aleph Farms calls on USDA to promote clean meat

By Ashley Williams

Israeli-based Aleph Farms has urged the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) to promote the clean meat movement, such as antibiotic- and pathogen-free products, to improve food safety.

22% of sheep and goats were not stunned before slaughter

UK non-stun animal export data under scrutiny

By Aidan Fortune

Concerns over the lack of information on UK exports of meat from animals that have not been stunned before slaughter have been raised by the British Veterinary Association (BVA).

Quorn to cut black plastic

Quorn claims UK ‘first’ by removing black plastic

By Katy Askew

Meat-free food maker Quorn Foods has announced plans to remove non-recyclable black plastic from its supply chain, becoming the latest in a string of companies to take action on the plastics issue.

Francis leaves Tulip after being appointed as CEO in September 2016

Steve Francis steps down as CEO of Tulip

By Ashley Williams

Tulip, the subsidiary of Danish Crown, has revealed CEO Steve Francis will leave his position as part of the business’ turnaround programme.

The Espita Barrada or Crossed Grains Trademark. Pic: AOECS

Spain to adopt EU gluten-free licensing system

By Gill Hyslop

The Federation of Coeliac Associations of Spain (FACE) has pledged to use the European licencing system Espiga Barrada (the Crossed Grain Trademark) from 2020.

Picture: iStock

EFRA seeks clarity for ag policy after Brexit

By Joseph James Whitworth

MPs have welcomed plans for agricultural policy after Brexit but warned a lack of clarity on funding, timing and delivery risks damaging the sector.

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