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The new rule will become effective from the 1 October 2018

Irish mandatory electronic sheep tagging: the pros and cons

By Ashley Williams

Ireland’s Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine announced this week that electronic identification for Irish sheep would become mandatory, producing a divided opinion among the Republic’s farming sector.

Ireland's sugar tax uses the same structure as the UK's levy. Pic:getty/elenchaykina

Ireland sugar tax comes into effect

By Rachel Arthur

Ireland has introduced its tax on sugar-sweetened drinks this week, with legislation coming into effect on May 1.

© GettyImages/thamerpic

Galicia sets legal definition of artisan food

By Niamh Michail

Spain's Galicia has set a legal definition of artisan food, which prohibits the use of artificial colours, flavours and tropical fats such as palm oil and coconut oil.

CAP should be linked to health agenda, MEP Heart Health Group hears ©iStock

Calls for EC to link agriculture and health policy

By Katy Askew

European health campaigners and some MEPs argue the European Commission should take a joined up approach to its food, agriculture and health policy by linking farmer payments to the healthiness of the food they produce.


EU Member States back neonicotinoid ban

By Katy Askew

European Member States have voted in favour of Commission proposals for an almost total ban on the use of neonicotinoid pesticides in the EU.

Transportation restrictions could leave retail chains without meat

World Cup to cause meat supply disruption

By Vladislav Vorotnikov

Strict security measures are set to be introduced by the Russian authorities for the FIFA World Cup, which are likely to bring instability to the domestic meat market.

The salt and pepper popped lotus seeds

Are popped lotus seeds the next popcorn?

By Niamh Michail

Also known as fox nuts, the gluten-free seeds of an Asian water lily could soon rival popcorn as consumers' guilt-free, savoury snack of choice, says UK start-up Nuto.

Dairy UK says the Eating Better report cherry picks statistics that paint a false picture of the UK industry.

Dairy UK slams Eating Better report

By Jim Cornall

Dairy UK has responded angrily to the publication of a new report urging consumers to change their diet to include less meat and dairy products.

The EU's deal with Mexico is expected to boost port exports

EU-Mexico trade agreement to boost pork exports

By Liz Newmark, in Brussels

The European Union (EU) and Mexico have agreed, on 21 April in Brussels, a momentous revised trade deal meaning 99% of products will be traded duty-free, and potentially substantially increasing the EU’s pork exports to Mexico.

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