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© iStock/AlinLyre

Ferrero defends 'fine-tuning' of Nutella recipe

By Niamh Michail

Ferrero has been accused of secretly changing the recipe of Nutella to replace expensive cocoa with cheaper milk powder, but it says it has merely "fine-tuned" the recipe.

Meat producers say a 'hard Brexit' - leaving the EU without a trade deal - would hurt the industry

UK meat industry warns of post-Brexit WTO tariffs

By Diana Yordanova

Meat sector organisations have warned a UK parliament committee that the industry will suffer dire consequences should Britain crash out from the European Union (EU) in March 2019 without having negotiated a Brexit deal with its current EU partners.

‘Sale of illicit alcohol costs UK around £1.3bn per year’ - HMRC

News in Brief

HMRC operation seizes alcohol in Wales

By Staff Reporter

An operation to disrupt the sale and supply of illegal products across north Wales has uncovered 2,700 litres of alcohol.

© iStock

Equinom develops non-GMO pulses with 50% more protein

By Niamh Michail

Seed breeding firm Equinom has developed a pea, chickpea and cow pea with 50% more protein than commercially available alternatives, and it's looking for food manufacturers to use the pulse flour and give feedback.

Slovenia wants to limit trans fat levels in packaged foods ©iStock

Slovenia plans action on trans fats

By Katy Askew

Slovenia became the latest European country to move against trans fats in processed foods when it introduced a decree that aims to provide maximum levels for trans fatty acids (TFAs).

Livestock is seen as a leading GHG emitter ©DigitalZombie/iStock

Agriculture in spotlight ahead of COP23 climate change talks

By Katy Askew

Agricultural emissions have been flagged as a key issue ahead of the United Nations’ COP23 climate change talks, which will kick off in Bonn next week with the aim of developing a roadmap for implementing the Paris Agreement.

Pic: iStock/LindasPhotography. 26 Member States and 23 other countries were impacted by potential contamination of eggs and egg products

Fipronil proficiency test reveals concerns in one lab

By Joseph James Whitworth

EU labs were mostly able to determine correct fipronil content in eggs but one lab which analysed hundreds of samples since July performed so badly it could have resulted in false positive results.

ADM prepares for rising soy demand in Middle East

ADM prepares for rising soy demand in Middle East

By Oscar Rousseau

Ingredients giant Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM) will lead a step-change advance in meat functionality by selling a soy product from its Brazilian plant to the Middle East and Africa.

Kerry Group helping BRF make clean label meat

Kerry Group helping BRF make clean label meat

By Oscar Rousseau

Global ingredients and flavours company Kerry Group is helping the world’s largest halal meat business, Brazil’s BRF, launch clean-label meat products.

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