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European local food logo, professionalised local food systems proposed

European local food logo, professionalised local food systems proposed

By Jess Halliday

A new European logo for local foods could help consumers identify products sold a short distance from their place of origin, says the Dutch regional councillor behind an opinion on professionalising local food systems to bolster regional economies and...

Cheese - with 50% less salt

Micro salt: Coming to a supermarket near you ...

By Elaine Watson

The firm behind a new breed of microscopic salt crystals that is helping manufacturers slash sodium and retain their clean-labels has branched out into the retail market with the development of a consumer product called Solti.

The naked truth about kids’ food advertising

The naked truth about kids’ food advertising

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

It was an Emperor’s New Clothes moment for the US food industry last week, when it was revealed that a major initiative touting its responsible advertising to kids actually allows promotion of many unhealthy foods. Is anyone really surprised?

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