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Polish fruit hits big in EU

Polish fruit hits big in EU

Just as sales of Polish meat and dairy products have boomed
following the country's accession to Europe, fruit producers are
also reporting booming sales of apples, cherries, raspberries and
strawberries to the rest of the European.

Baltic bakeries take off

Baltic bakeries take off

A number of the leading players from the bakery sectors in the
Baltic States have announced strong first half results in the past
week. The results for Latvia's Hanzas Maisnica, together with
Lithuanian players Vilniaus Duona...

Spinach feeds the brain

Spinach feeds the brain

Food manufacturers might wish to include green leafy vegetables in
their new product formulations as new research reveals women who
eat healthy amounts of spinach and broccoli could be helping to
delay the onset of dementia in later...

Caffeine to sleep easy?

Caffeine to sleep easy?

The roll call of potential health benefits of a key ingredient
found in a regular cup of coffee keeps on growing with new research
building on findings that caffeine can help a major sleep disorder
occurring in newly born babies.

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