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EFSA developing advise on nutritional labelling ahead of planned 2022 European legislation. GettyImages/Goran13

EFSA examines the science behind nutrient profiling

By Katy Askew

EFSA has opened a public dialog on front-of-pack nutritional labelling and health claims as it works to finalise the scientific advice that will help decision makers develop an EU-wide scheme.

The company said the product has “an umami and tangy taste profile.

Microalgae-based cheese alternative developed

By Jim Cornall

Sophie's BioNutrients, a food production technology company, together with Ingredion Idea Labs innovation center in Singapore, have collaborated to produce the company’s first microalgae-based cheese alternative from Sophie's BioNutrients'...

Study details how gut microbiome communicates with immune system

Study details how gut microbiome communicates with immune system

By Will Chu

Bath University researchers have put forward an intriguing theory as to how the gut microbiome communicates with the immune system in work that further defines their roles in the onset of Ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease.

A PepsiCo oat farmer in his field surrounded by wildflower borders, part of his sustainability efforts / Pic: Quaker

How PepsiCo is supporting a regenerative transition for Quaker Oats

By Katy Askew

PepsiCo is helping its Quaker Oats farmers in the UK adopt regenerative agriculture practices through a tie-up with global farming organization LEAF. FoodNavigator hears more about the programme and how PepsiCo is transforming the impact of its supply...

Image: Tesco

Leading supermarkets pledge to make UK shopping baskets greener

By Oliver Morrison

The CEOs of the ‘big five’ major UK supermarkets have committed to slash their impact across climate, deforestation nature and guide the whole food retail sector towards halving its overall impact on the natural world by 2030.

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