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UK to clear GM crops?

UK to clear GM crops?

Favourable news for the pro-GM camp as a team of British scientists
claims that genetically modified (GM) maize is less damaging to
wildlife than conventional varieties. At the same time, leading UK
organisations call on Tony Blair...

Pay attention to engineers

Pay attention to engineers

Wermer Bauer, executive vice president of technology, processing
and R&D at Nestlé, has urged food manufacturers to recognise
the link between sound engineering and strong financial
performance. He also told delegates at the International...

Ahold agrees Disco sale

Ahold agrees Disco sale

Dutch retail group Ahold has finally negotiated the sale of its
Argentine unit Disco - to Cencosud, the Chilean retailer which had
originally agreed to buy the company back in November. After
withdrawing entirely from the Asian market...

Hope for Parmalat Hungary

Hope for Parmalat Hungary

Parmalat Hungary has reported that its production is now starting
to increase, a sign that it is over the worst, perhaps. News that
the group has secured a $128 million US loan might also give the
division further backing.

Tracing meat with clever chips

Tracing meat with clever chips

A test has been developed that can reveal the presence of meat from
32 different kinds of animal species. The DNA-based scheme is
currently being examined by European food regulatory bodies as a
possible means of ensuring that a food...

Flooring foodborne disease

Flooring foodborne disease

A new range of polyurethane resin-based floor systems that combines
an antimicrobial layer has been launched. Manufacturer John Lord
claims that this new innovation can help food manufacturers fight
against microbes that cause food...

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