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Raisio opens up in Russia

Raisio opens up in Russia

Raisio has opened up its first production facility in Russia.
Located just outside Moscow, The Finland-based company says it is
hoping that the move will help it to expand its margarine portfolio
in Russia and neighbouring states.

Russian dairy proliferates

Russian dairy proliferates

In recent years the Russian dairy sector has undergone tremendous
upheaval, with the consolidation of old dairy plants changing the
face of the industry. We spoke to the Russian National Dairy
Institute to find out what impact these...

Food safety on the EU menu

Food safety on the EU menu

European Research Commissioner Philippe Busquin has announced a €43
million investment plan designed to improve the efficiency of the
food supply chain. Speaking at Wageningen University in the
Netherlands, he said that the purpose...

Plant genomics a priority

Plant genomics a priority

The EU has provided €2.2 million of funding for a new project that
aims to promote transnational cooperation in plant genomics
research and, ultimately, better coordinate the €80 million spent
annually in Europe on such activities,...

No consensus on GMOs

No consensus on GMOs

Demonstrating the clear divisions that exist between member states
and the European Commission over genetically modified foodstuffs,
in the same week that Belgian ministers threw out an application
for an oilseed rape, the EU's...

Thai poultry ban prolonged

Thai poultry ban prolonged

The European Union confirmed yesterday a six-month ban on Thai
poultry imports because of the bird flu outbreak rampaging across
Asia. Fresh and frozen Thai poultry products will remain barred
from the economic bloc until 15 August...

Supply chain in demand

Supply chain in demand

Legislation requiring food manufacturers to keep detailed records
of the supply chain is coming into force in the US next month. Next
year, it is the turn of the EU. We ask one supply chain management
company why traceability has...

Unimilk gets investment loan

Unimilk gets investment loan

Unimilk, Russia's second largest dairy producer, has confirmed that
it has received a €34 million credit line from Moscommercebank. The
company is hoping that it can now start to make investments in its
production facilities,...

BSE concerns on the wane

BSE concerns on the wane

Consumer concern about BSE, eggs and the safety of meat is
declining but awareness about fruit, vegetables, and salt
consumption is on the up, cites the fourth annual food survey from
the UK's food watchdog.

Job cuts continue at IFF

Job cuts continue at IFF

International Flavors and Fragrances (IFF) reports continuing job
cuts and a drop in profits for fourth quarter. But stronger flavour
sales in North and South America helped offset a weaker scenario in

Kraft pulls out of Hungary

Kraft pulls out of Hungary

Kraft Foods has said that it will close down its only production
facility in Hungary and move production elsewhere. The company has
hinted that production of confectionery and coffee could shift to
Slovakia and Austria.

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