Food safety & quality

Hempel on right track with BPA-free coating

Hempel on right track with BPA-free coating

By Mark Astley

A newly, developed bisphenol A-free surface lining for rail transportation cars will put the food sector “one step ahead of regulations,” says the coating’s developer.

Helpdesk bids to simplify and speed up EFSA applications

Helpdesk bids to simplify and speed up EFSA applications

By Rory Harrington

Packaging players seeking authorisation for novel food contact materials (FCMs) will be just one group set to benefit from the introduction of a new advice service, said the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

ACC savages BPA study linking chemical to poor child behaviour

ACC savages BPA study linking chemical to poor child behaviour

By Ben Bouckley

The American Chemistry Council (ACC) has launched a withering attack on the design of a new study suggesting that gestational exposure to food packaging compound bisphenol-A (BPA) before birth could lead to emotional difficulties in children.

EFSA highlights EU meat inspection inadequacies

EFSA highlights EU meat inspection inadequacies

By Mark Astley

A European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) report into the modernisation of meat inspection has found that current swine evaluations do not adequately deal with certain foodborne hazards.

UV and EB cured inks are safe and here to stay: industry expert


UV and EB cured inks are safe and here to stay: industry expert

By Rory Harrington

Ultra-violet and electron beam-cured inks are not only safe but present clear performance advantages when used in printing on food packaging. So what are the reasons behind their image problem in some quarters?

Edible carrot films display food packaging potential

Edible carrot films display food packaging potential

By Rory Harrington

Barrier properties exhibited by carrot-based edible films demonstrate potential for their use as packaging across a variety of food types, according to recent research from China.

French tapenade at the centre of botulism alert

UK and France on alert after botulism outbreak

By Rory Harrington

An international alert has been issued after a botulism outbreak in France linked to ‘tapenade’ spreads has so far struck down eight people in the country.

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