Food safety & quality

MRSA infected foods safe to eat, says EFSA

MRSA infected foods safe to eat, says EFSA

By Rory Harrington

The superbug meticillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is able to infect food but eating or handling tainted produce does not present an increased health hazard to humans, a new report has said.

New Welsh food safety centre

New Welsh food safety centre

By Mike Stones

Improved safety standards and greater support for the food industry in Wales are the twin goals of a new research centre opened yesterday at the School of Health Sciences, which is based at the University of Wales Institute Cardiff.

Foss outlines how to avoid fat fines

Foss outlines how to avoid fat fines caught up with Foss Product Manger Jens Borg to ask him how the company's analytical tool, MeatMaster, could optimise meat production.

Meat inspection system defended

Meat inspection system defended

By staff reporter

The Canadian Meat Council said that the recent media coverage of the finding of the bacterium, listeria, in a Canadian meat processing plant is unwarranted and is creating a false impression of both the industry and Canada's meat inspection system.

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