Market trends

Three million metric ton EU sugar deficit not expected to rise, according to Euromonitor

EU sugar deficit will not grow, says Euromonitor

By Oliver Nieburg

The EU’s sugar quota fell three million metric tons short of demand in 2012 leading to an 11% price hike, but the deficit is not expected to increase due to stagnant demand for sugar-based foods and health concerns, according to market analysts Euromonitor...

Lasagne is one product that horse meat has been found in

Horse meat - The latest developments

Horse meat mislabelled as diced beef sold in UK

By Joe Whitworth

Forty kilograms of horse meat labelled as diced beef has been sold in Preston and Liverpool, according to the UK Food Standards Agency (FSA).

Companies increasingly see sustainable supply as a future risk to business

Sustainable supply seen as emerging future risk for food companies

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Food safety, quality and financial issues are considered the top three risks to business for most food companies, but sustainable supply is emerging as a growing area of concern, according to a new survey from DNV Business Assurance.

Most UK produced chocolate goes to Ireland, but there has been significant growth in exports to South Africa and the United Arab Emirates

Chocolate fastest growing UK food export

By Oliver Nieburg

Chocolate is the fastest growing UK food export driven by a rise in sales to the Middle East and Africa and factory expansion by Nestlé, according to a report from the Food and Drink Federation (FDF).

Agriculture is 'sensitive and location specific'

FAO chief calls for strategies to tackle rapidly changing diets

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Director-general of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) José Graziano da Silva has called for integrated nutrition strategies to help countries deal with rapidly changing diets, in a presentation at Wageningen University and Research Centre in...

RSPO said it would welcome discussion with investors to transform palm oil supply

RSPO welcomes deforestation consideration in palm oil investments

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) has welcomed the decision of the world’s biggest sovereign wealth fund to pull investment from certain palm oil companies – but has disagreed with its divestment from firms that are on the path to RSPO certification.

Nestlé has updated many of its previous goals on nutrition and sustainability

Nestlé outlines sustainability and nutrition goals

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Nestlé has published a raft of sustainability and nutrition commitments it aims to meet by 2020 or earlier, including sourcing 100% certified sustainable palm oil, cutting greenhouse gas emissions and improving nutrition labelling.

Eman is now a leading supplier for the South American cream liqueurs industry

A food safety success story: Three crazy guys with a big idea

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

The case of one company’s journey from ‘appalling’ food safety to third party certification provided a refreshingly honest view on the effect major companies can have on food safety – even for the smallest start-ups – at the GFSI conference in Barcelona...

Borrow Sherlock's magnifying glass to find food fraud, advised Wissenburg

‘Think like a criminal’ to beat food fraud, says Danone expert

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

The issue of food fraud has traditionally taken a backseat to wider food safety threats – but Europe’s horse meat scandal has underlined the threat it poses to food businesses, according to Danone’s corporate quality projects director Petra Wissenburg.

Natural colours overtake synthetics as European growth leads the way

Global report on food colours

Clean label trend helps drive natural colours to overtake synthetics

By Nathan Gray

Natural colours have overtaken their synthetic counterparts for the first time ever, and the trend towards clean label products is one of the key drivers according to new data from Mintel and Leatherhead Food Research.

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