Market trends

Rising corn prices are set to put pressure on the food industry

Upward pressure on UK food prices on horizon

By Rod Addy

Upward pressure on UK food prices is around the corner, driven by global forces such as rocketing corn prices and the knock-on effect on animal feed, according to Clive Black, analyst at Shore Capital.

Food firms can’t ignore intellectual resources

Food firms can’t ignore intellectual resources

By Rod Addy

Food and drink manufacturers can’t afford to ignore their intellectual capital and are weaker at taking stock of it than companies in other industries, according to consultancy ClearFood.

Palm oil-free may be emerging trend

Palm oil-free may be emerging trend

By Rod Addy

A shift towards palm oil-free foods and ingredients could be an emerging trend in Europe, according to market analysts.

Soy: Only 2% have a negative experience of it

Soy survey: 77% approve; 2% don’t

A Solae-sponsored survey has found 77% of people rate soy to be good or excellent while only 2% said they had a negative perception of the bean and its extracts, drinks and foods.

EU food inflation steady, for now

EU food inflation steady, for now

By Kacey Culliney

European food inflation is at a steady 2.8% for June but with purse strings still tight and the risk of further inflationary pressures, branded manufacturers must innovate and differentiate from private label to thrive, according to analysts.

Attention food scientists! Get your positions out there and onto the web, provide credible, reasonable, sober information

Is the food industry under attack from an ‘NGO/media complex’?

By Elaine Watson

With NGOs increasingly turning their attention to food production - and often doing a better job than the food industry of engaging with the media - the debate about issues from biotechnology to BPA will only become more polarized, one author has predicted.

How can social media fit into the NPD process?

Special edition: The new product development process

How can social media fit into the NPD process?

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Social media allows companies to feel out consumer perceptions of ingredients and concepts at the beginning of the product development process – and combines well with more traditional consumer research, says social media research firm Loudpixel.

Work under-way in the UK to develop GM corn variety for Africa

UK scientists take on €8.2m grant for GM corn development

By Kacey Culliney

A €8.2m ($10m) grant has been given to researchers at the John Innes Center in the UK to develop GM varieties of corn that are able to absorb nitrogen from the atmosphere, thus eliminating the use of fertilisers.

Mining the stevia leaf: ‘Reb A purity is the old way of thinking’

Mining the stevia leaf: ‘Reb A purity is the old way of thinking’

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Combining different sweet components from the stevia leaf – in a similar way to combining artificial sweeteners – may be the next step toward improving the flavor of stevia-sweetened products, says PureCircle’s vp of global marketing and innovation Jason...

UK Flavour Association outlines aims

UK Flavour Association outlines aims

By Rod Addy

The UK Flavour Association has outlined its core aims following its launch in London, saying it will be a crucial voice for its members on quality control, technical and regulatory issues.

Jean Hénaff pâtés target carbon footprint

Jean Hénaff pâtés target carbon footprint

By Rod Addy

Jean Hénaff, France’s leading pork meat processor, has been hailed because its pork pâtés entail lower carbon footprints than international benchmarks.

Ben & Jerry’s backs animal welfare initiative

Ben & Jerry’s backs dairy cow welfare initiative

By Rod Addy

Ben & Jerry’s has teamed up with Compassion in World Farming (CIWF) and the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) to campaign for better treatment of Europe’s dairy cows.

Industry needs to focus on educating consumers and developing innovative gluten-free offerings, according to Frost & Sullivan

Gluten-free: Room for education and innovation

By Kacey Culliney

The snowballing gluten-free trend holds extensive opportunities for ingredients firms but education and innovation is needed to secure the future of this segment, an industry expert has said.

Caveman diets are just one trend singled out by Vierhile

Datamonitor pinpoints natural trends

By Rod Addy

Datamonitor has highlighted ‘all natural’ food and drink trends, including sprouted seeds, grains and beans; natural sweeteners; grass-fed dairy and meat products and eating like a caveman.

Heading down the private label route? Be careful, warns Rabobank

The private label dilemma: To be or not to be?

By Kacey Culliney

Suppliers that want to jump aboard the private label surge will face a fine balancing act of co-producing for the sector and branded goods, according to Rabobank.

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