Market trends

Natural colours: insatiable demand but no silver bullet

The trouble with nature...

By Rod Addy

As the food industry shifts from synthetically-derived colours, past ‘natural’ ingredients to colouring foodstuffs, we highlight the challenges this is currently creating.

Let up in sugar and cocoa commodity commotion unlikely, analyst

Let up in sugar and cocoa commodity commotion unlikely, analyst

By Jane Byrne

As the market and industry weighs the impact of turmoil in Ivory Coast on cocoa supply and tightness in sugar trade continues, we talk to Rabobank analyst Keith Flury to see whether there will be any let up in commodity commotion in 2011.

The low fat world is flat…


The low fat world is flat…

By Ben Bouckley

Major EU food manufacturers continue to offer low- or no fat products as a consumer option alongside goods higher in fat, while the trend towards healthier food launches along these lines has remained flat or even declined in some states.

UK producers say they stand alone as DEFRA rules out cash for organics

UK producers say they stand alone as DEFRA rules out cash for organics

By Ben Bouckley

DEFRA (the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs) has ruled out financial support for the organic industry, despite producers saying they stand alone and a Soil Association (SA) report damning Whitehall’s “diffident, if not lazy” approach.

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