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Maximising potential and minimising risks of nanotechnology

Guest article

Maximising potential and minimising risks of nanotechnology

By By Martin Livermore and Ulrich Adam

Nanotechnology holds great potential and is being used increasingly in food and consumer products. So far, the connotations have mostly been positive. However this promising start is now at risk of being reversed. There is a very real danger that a scare...

Do drink makers have stomach for anti-obesity fight?

Do drink makers have stomach for anti-obesity fight?

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Bravo! The beverage industry has responded enthusiastically to Mrs. Obama’s campaign to tackle childhood obesity - but there’d better be more than froth behind that sparkling rhetoric.

How soy foods can help in Haiti

How soy foods can help in Haiti

Soy products can be stored and transported at ambient temperatures, and are packed with protein. Ideal, then, for the Haiti earthquake relief effort, explains Gerard Klein Essink of Bridge2Food.

Soy firms coordinate Haiti donations

Soy firms coordinate Haiti donations

A multinational alliance called SoyFoods Haiti Alliance Relief Effort, or SHARE is coordinating donation and delivery of protein-rich foods to the Haiti earthquake relief effort.

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