Market trends

MPs are trying to amend EU law to protect 'free-range' poultry from the bird flu crisis ©iStock

Bird flu could halt free range egg production, warn MEPs

By Louis Gore-Langton

Outbreaks of bird flu throughout Europe could put a stop to free range eggs as safety precautions make meeting the labelling requirements impossible, Dutch members of the EU parliament have warned.

A sharp rise in prices due to restricted supply and increased demand

Egg prices set to keep rising in EU

By Louis Gore-Langton

Egg prices in Europe have risen 16% since November last year driven up by bird flu outbreaks and rising consumer demand, say global commodities analysts at Mintec.


Pay more, waste less: Scottish food study

By Louis Gore-Langton

Research by the University of Aberdeen in Scotland suggests that while food price hikes have reduced the amount bought by the public, an equal reduction in food waste has kept overall food intake constant.


The nutra space: Eyes turn to 2017

By Annie-Rose Harrison-Dunn & Shane Starling

Only the seemingly foolish would have predicted 2016 would see the UK vote to leave the EU and Donald Trump win the US presidential election. But in the post-truth era, these are the facts.

UK Chancellor, George Osborne was awarded the boldest announcement of the year for his plans back in April detailing a tax on sugar-sweetened drinks.  ©iStock/OcusFocus

2016: The good, the bad and the ugly

By David Burrows

The food sector rarely fails to deliver when it comes to news and 2016 has been no exception. Here’s my pick of the good, the bad, the ugly and the annoying.

Different texture combinations used to market foods in 2016. ©iStock

What will the top texture trends be in 2017?

By Louis Gore-Langton

In 2016 15% of new food products launched in Europe employed themes concerning texture combinations – often on well-established product types such as yoghurt. FoodNavigator looks at some of the strongest product categories riding the texture wave into...

© iStock

Consumers aren’t prepared to join the lab-meat love-in

By David Burrows

This year there’s been a bit of a lab-meat love-in, but are consumers ready to buy into it? I’m not so sure, especially if they can’t divorce the concept from other more controversial technologies like genetic modification.

It's been an action-packed year for the beverage world. Here are some of the highlights. (Pic:iStock/marekuliasz)

The year that was: Headlines of 2016

By Rachel Arthur

From mergers and acquisitions to innovations in packaging and flavors, we take a look back over some of the headlines of 2016. 

© iStock/Delpixart

What's on our editorial calendar in 2017?

By Niamh Michail

Putting the spotlight on innovative start-ups, sugar reduction, private label trends, e-commerce and the latest developments in colour, texture and flavour, FoodNavigator's special editions calendar and online events for 2017 spans the hottest topics...

© iStock/Macio Silva

EU invests €60m in Polish food firm Maspex

By Louis Gore-Langton

The investment will go to improving facilities and increasing employment for the Polish juice, sauce and pasta manufacturer, already one of the largest in Eastern Europe.

A veteran view on HiE 2016

A veteran view on HiE 2016

By Dennis Seisun

Hydrocolloids specialist Dennis Seisun reflects on this year’s Health Ingredients Europe (HiE) expo in Frankfurt, Germany in this guest article.

We seek an agile mind to report on the ever-evolving, ever-important world of nutrition...could it be you? ©iStock/BrianAJackson

NutraIngredients is hiring


Can you break news in multiple formats? Are you comfortable interviewing a CEO or Greenpeace protester, food scientist, politician or legal hound? Do you have the temperament to handle daily deadlines as you work on Europe’s leading nutrition sector publication?...

Deforested land cleared to make way for commodities. © iStock/Mihtiander

Confidence in secure commodity supply chains 'misplaced'

By David Burrows

Confident there’s enough soy, palm oil and beef to go around and your policies can weather the risks ahead on everything from climate change and deforestation to reputation and regulation? Think again, say the authors of two new reports.

“Careful selection of the right cultures in yoghurts and cheeses can potentially eliminate thickeners like carrageenan, or antifungals such as sorbic acid.” ©iStock

Looking to nature for better ‘clean label’ reformulation

By Nathan GRAY

Industry should look closer at nature’s solutions for current reformulation challenges by mapping out all the possible functionalities of ingredients already present in foods, says Dr Aidan Craigwood, consultant at Innovia Technology.

(From L-R) - Johnathan Dimbleby (Chair). Dr Shini Somara, science broadcaster. Kaave Pour, creative designer at Space 10. Sara Roversi, co-founder, Future Food Institute. Prof Bryan Hanley, food specialist at Knowledge Transfer Network.

Tomorrow’s foods: How do you sway consumer choice and acceptance?

By Will Chu

The rise of alternative ingredients, technological innovations and new approaches to gastronomy all look to provide more sustainable sources of nutrition in the future. But as food is changing to keep up with the times, is there a limit to how much consumers...

 Picture credit: ACIST - the European Union database that gathers statistics on detentions of articles that are suspected of infringing intellectual property at borders and in the internal markets.

EU economy loses €35bn a year due to counterfeiting

By Jenny Eagle

Counterfeiting is predicted to increase 3% per year worldwide leading to a rise in the anti-counterfeiting market over the next five years with CAGRs ranging from 12.8% to 16%, says PMMI (Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies).

© iStock/Klenova

Mediterranean diet faces triple threat: FAO

By Niamh Michail

The Mediterranean diet is being undermined by climate change, a misuse of natural resources and a brain drain which are damaging the social fabric of rural communities, according to a new book by the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).


Mind, body and spirit: The holistic tea trend

By Will Chu

Food Matters Live in London played host to a range of food and beverage makers all eager to show off the flavours and unique ingredients, which they think will continue to trend in 2017.

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