Market trends

Soy is challenging for food companies to discuss without courting controversy, so many companies choose to deal quietly and directly with their suppliers

Major companies are driving soy sustainability, says RTRS


Sustainability in the soy sector is being driven by food companies aiming to mitigate brand risk, according to Europe Outreach Manager for the Round Table on Responsible Soy (RTRS) Lieven Callewaert.

85% of fruit snack products analysed by Action on Sugar contained more sugar than Haribo Starmix sweets

Kids’ fruit snacks criticised for high sugar content


Many fruit snacks aimed at children contain more sugar than confectionery – but could be misconstrued as ‘healthy’ because of their association with real fruit, according to pressure group Action on Sugar.

Too much? Or is the food industry not doing enough?

Free NutraIngredients and FoodNavigator online event - June 3, 14:00 Paris time

Big debates, big issues: Is the food industry winning the war against weight?


As the ‘globesity’ health footprint grows and power weight management brands struggle to stay relevant in an age where smartphone apps deliver personalised solutions, join us next week for a free online event, where key issues will be debated.

Involving consumers in CSR initiatives can increase their impact - and add value to the company, says Poukka

Engage consumers in CSR to add value, says Deloitte


Companies are getting better at incorporating sustainability into their marketing strategies – and that’s good for business, says Deloitte Finland’s sustainability manager Riikka Poukka.

How can industry warm the Western palate to eating insects?

By Niamh Michail

To sell insects to Western consumers, food manufacturers must create products that align ethical motivations with sensory expectations – meaning cricket-flour cookies will fare better than chocolate-coated crickets. 

Many still oblivious to obesity threats

Many still oblivious to obesity threats

By Eliot Beer

People around the world significantly underestimate the health impact of obesity, but do support interventions to prevent it, according to two new surveys.

Plant-based alternatives to meat include soy, cheese, eggs, nuts, mushrooms and pulses with advances in food technology meaning taste and texture is almost on a par with real meat.

Flexitarians fuel innovation in vegetarian food

By Niamh Michail

Vegetarians are enjoying a wide range of packaged food– but it's their flexitarian friends who are fuelling innovation in the taste and texture of plant-based meat alternatives.

Evolva has delivered a yeast strain that meets Roquette's expectations, the company says

Evolva meets third milestone in Roquette collaboration


Swiss fermentation specialist Evolva Holding SA has reached a third milestone in its collaboration with Roquette Frères SA, triggering a payment of “several hundreds of thousands of Swiss Francs” to Evolva, the company has said.

As big name brands lower their prices to compete with own brands, consumers may go back to buying the premium labels they enjoyed pre-recession, warns Canadean. Own brands should focus on quality to retain their new-found consumer base.

Brand rivalry deepens in post-crisis Europe

By Niamh Michail

Own-brands have enjoyed a boom in crisis-hit Europe, winning new consumers with both price and quality – but big brands are resorting to aggressive pricing and promotions to win back their old consumer base.

Who made my tea? Stories help brands reach savvy millennials

Dispatches from Vitafoods Europe

Who made my tea? Stories help brands reach savvy millennials

By Rachel Arthur

Millennials do not succumb to the ‘wooing’ of big brands; rather, they are looking for a niche brand with a story, alongside the chance to engage with other consumers, according to a branding expert.

The Nut Association chairman: '…Obesity and snacking in between meals would be a lot healthier if people ate these little things.'

Nuts: A ‘five-a-day’ food?

By Kacey Culliney

The Nut Association has filed a paper to Public Health England in the UK calling for nuts to be included in the country’s five-a-day fruit and vegetable recommendations.

Food prices are likely to stay under downward pressure due to large supplies and a strong US dollar, the FAO says

FAO: Global food import costs to hit five-year low


Global food import costs are set to reach their lowest level in five years during 2015, even as volumes remain the same or rise slightly, according to the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).

The report claimed people and veg prices are getting larger and processed food costs are getting smaller

Food prices ‘drive’ obesity epidemic

By Laurence Gibbons

The price of vegetables has risen by a whopping 199% in the past 30 years in the UK while the cost of an ice cream has fallen by 50%, driving the UK’s obesity epidemic, a new report has claimed.

Six in 10 non-organic shoppers see organic as overpriced, says Mintel

Investment to tackle organic ‘price barrier’

By Daisy Phillipson

Price is arguably the biggest barrier the organic market faces, says Mintel – but retailers are coming up with ways to make organic foods accessible to a wider audience.

Organic NPD vital to survive mainstream 'healthification'

By Niamh Michail

The organic sector has cultivated a culture of ethical awareness among consumers that conventional manufacturers are now cashing in on – and new product development is vital for the sector to retain its value, say experts.

Organic breaks social class barriers

Organic breaks social class barriers

By Niamh Michail

With working class households making up nearly one third of sales, organic is no longer a middle-class preserve - and some say it is even fueling Britain's 'foodie' culture.

Chilled pasta took 28% of the total Western European pasta market last year, compared to 25% five years earlier

Packaged food sales increase in ‘two-speed’ Western Europe


The Western European packaged food market has grown 5% since 2009, with chilled pasta, sustainable foods and frozen yoghurt leading the way, according to Euromonitor International – but Europe is still a divided market.

Organic farming tends to have lower crop yields than conventional farming - but it is also less reliant on non-renewable inputs

Can organic feed the world?


Organic crops generally have lower yields than conventional crops – but that’s not the only way to measure their potential to feed the world.

Coconut spreads in Europe may be lacking the backing of big brands, said the report.

Coconut oils and spreads on trend in Europe

By Joyeeta Basu

Coconut oil could be on trend in Europe as saturated fats are no longer regarded to be as harmful for heart health as they were, a Mintel report has said.

When companies try to be cool: A lesson in 'wackaging'

By Niamh Michail

Wackaging – using cute and quirky language on a product’s packaging – seems to be everywhere. But with consumers becoming increasingly cynical, should manufacturers stop trying to be cool?

The report said 67% of respondents said sustainability activities had increased their revenue and business.

Nearly 70% of CEOs worldwide value sustainability

By Joyeeta Basu

Nearly seven in ten CEOs worldwide see the value of sustainability but only two out of ten (21%) companies are leveraging the full potential of sustainability practices, says a report.

Naturally functional foods must have some intrinsic health benefit and seem less processed than alternatives, says Julian Mellentin.


Companies need to address 'serious' health claim ignorance

By Niamh Michail

With 93% of consumers saying they don’t trust product health claims, naturally functional foods have instant appeal – but if companies highlight the science and regulation behind claims all stand to benefit, say analysts.

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