Market trends

Tougher to market sugar confectionery in Europe as regulators crackdown on sugared products directed at kids, says Companiesandmarkets,com

Sugar disquiet to hurt Europe’s candy market

By Oliver Nieburg

The European sugar confectionery market is forecast to decline in the next few years as regulators and consumers consider the impact of sugar on public health, according to a report by Frost & Sullivan.

Traditional gender stereotypes are still a barrier to healthy eating for some Irish men

Irish men’s food attitudes fuel health crisis


Men’s food behaviours in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland put them at a significant health disadvantage compared to women, according to a report from public health agency safefood.

Younger people and women are most likely to resolve to improve their eating habits

Healthier eating is top UK New Year’s resolution


A third of UK consumers intend to eat more healthily in 2015 – but nearly half will have dropped their resolution by the end of January, according to a Canadean survey.

The FoodNavigator editors have picked their top six trends to look out for in 2015. Do you agree? Let us know in the comments below.

FoodNavigator predicts top industry drivers for 2015

By Nathan Gray and Caroline Scott-Thomas

It’s time to get out our crystal balls and predict the hottest trends in the European food and drink sector for the year ahead. What’s in store for 2015?

William Reed Business Media Holiday video

Festive Film

Happy Holidays 2014 from William Reed Business Media!

The holidays are fast upon us, so let’s put ‘business’ to one side and get into the festive mood. To keep in the spirit of things, we’ve got a ‘gift’ for you – enjoy. Happy Holidays!

Consumers' are more open to alternative proteins

Health Ingredients Europe

New proteins are creeping on trend

By Nicholas Robinson

Alternative proteins are a “hot area” of interest and products such as sandwich spreads made with meal worms could be a thing of the future, according to one food trend expert.

Six in ten Britons consider the quality of own-brand groceries equivalent to that of named brands

Most UK groceries are now private label


Supermarket own-brand groceries account for more than half (54%) of UK grocery sales – driven in part by premium positioning.

Rethinking fat: Global experts to separate fact from fiction

Rethinking fat: Global experts to separate fact from fiction


Researchers have questioned the received wisdom on dietary fat in recent years asking, is saturated fat actually good for us? Are unsaturated fats really as healthy as we thought? And is it even possible to study fat without the context of other macronutrients?

Cocoa surplus grows and Côte d’Ivoire to surpass the Netherlands as world's largest cocoa grinder

ICCO extends cocoa surplus for 2013/14

By Oliver Nieburg

The International Cocoa Organization (ICCO) has estimated a larger surplus for the cocoa year just past and has noted an increase in origin grindings.

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