Market trends

Protein is moving away from sports nutrition and toward mass market appeal

Special edition: Amino acids and protein

Beyond the gym: Is satiety the next frontier for protein?

By Nathan Gray

While building muscle may take centre stage for protein ingredients, there is a mass of potential health benefits from increasing protein intakes, and increasing satiety may be the next big thing.

Consumer trust in food industry fares badly in EU survey

Consumer trust in food industry fares badly in EU survey


Trust in food manufacturers and retailers is lower than for any other actors in the European food supply chain, including farmers and regulators, according to research presented at the FoodRisC conference in Brussels last week.

Supply chain shocks driving Asian food producers to western quality

Showfloor blog: FI Asia-Thailand

Supply chain shocks driving Asian food producers to western quality

By Shane Starling in Bangkok

The non-Asian ingredient supply sector is fairly well represented here at Food Ingredients Asia-Thailand in Bangkok, but given current concerns about food supply chain security in the region, is probably still under-represented. Which is surprising…

Coupon craze hits new high in UK

Coupon craze hits new high in UK


Money-off coupons and vouchers are more popular than ever among cash-strapped UK consumers, according to coupon experts Valassis.

Companies must address their water footprint, says analyst

Water footprint: The food industry's next big challenge?

By Annie-Rose Harrison-Dunn

Reducing water footprints is an environmental challenge food and beverage companies should be prepared to meet if they want to maintain their competitive position and build reputation among end consumers, according to an analyst.

Sustainably produced or not, palm oil production will continue to expand, particularly in emerging markets

Concerned about palm oil? Boycotting won’t change a thing


Palm oil production is a major cause of deforestation, loss of habitat and – let’s not forget – dismal working conditions for people in growing areas, mainly in Southeast Asia. But Europe needs palm oil and palm oil producers need European consumers to...

The European parliament's upcoming biofuel vote could dictate future food prices, says the JRC

Vegetable oil prices rest on EU biofuel vote

By Annie-Rose Harrison-Dunn

Wednesday’s vote by the European parliament on proposed limits for biofuels has the power to determine future prices of food stuffs like vegetable oil, according to a report by the EU’s Joint Research Centre (JRC).

Premium Ingredients hopes that it is leading the way in its conversion to a 'new economic category'

Smart Powder Blends to replace black box blends?

By Annie-Rose Harrison-Dunn

A blending system dubbed Smart Powder Blends aims to shake up the old 'black box' blending system whereby traceability of ingredients and competition in pricing may be limited, say its creators Premium Ingredients and BlendHub.

Haze from the fires engulfed Singapore - and much of Southeast Asia - earlier this year

Greenpeace and RSPO clash over forest fires


Food companies that only use certified sustainable palm oil have been accused of “certifying destruction”, according to a Greenpeace report released to coincide with the first European Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) summit in Berlin this week.

ASA upholds complaint on Teso horsemeat ad

Tesco slammed for horse meat ad

By Joseph James Whitworth

Tesco has been slammed by the UK’s advertising watchdog for suggesting that the horse meat scandal affected the whole food industry.

India and China must be part of the green palm oil process


India and China must be part of the green palm oil process

By Dave McLaughlin, vice-president of agriculture, WWF US

Currently, RSPO certified palm oil represents 15% of global production, and many of the global brands have made commitments to source 100% certified palm oil by 2015.  

Professor Graham MacGregor said the Public Health Responsibility Deal may not be dead but it does need intensive care

CASH boss slams government health campaigns

By Rick Pendrous

The government’s voluntary Public Health Responsibility Deal (PHRD) may not yet be dead, but it is clearly in need of intensive care, according to the chairman of Consensus Action on Salt & Health (CASH) Professor Graham MacGregor.

Many dinner-skippers say they snack late at night instead of eating a main evening meal

More time-pressed Brits are skipping dinner


Nearly a quarter of British adults skip dinner at least once a week, with many saying that they lack the time to prepare a meal, according to a new report from Canadean Custom Solutions.

Is the UK Greek yogurt market open to Greek exploitation?


Has the UK Greek yogurt identity crisis left the market open to exploitation?


The UK Greek yogurt market is suffering from somewhat of an identity crisis, with near-identical products marketed under different names. Some would say the High Court ruling that caused the situation has created clarity, others claim it has left the...

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