

EU Pledge vows to keep pace with kids’ food marketing

By Will Chu

Arla Foods’ has become the latest food manufacturer to join the EU Pledge - an initiative that promotes responsible food marketing to children that already boasts Nestlé, Unilever, Mondelez, Mars and Coca-Cola among its members. But with the Danish dairy...


GMB: CETA trade deal sets bad precedent post-Brexit

By Joseph James Whitworth

A British trade union has attacked the CETA trade deal between Canada and Europe which comes into force later this week (21 September) adding it sets a bad precedent post-Brexit.

Cheese prices could rise by one third. © iStock

‘No deal’ Brexit could hike food prices by a third: BRC

By Katy Askew

The British Retail Consortium (BRC), an industry body representing UK retailers, has warned that British shoppers could pay as much as one-third more for “everyday food items” in the event of a “no deal Brexit”.

© iStock/Goldfinch4ever

EC: 'We will now analyse China's decision and consider appropriate steps.'

No justification for China extending potato starch duties, says Starch Europe

By Niamh Michail

The European starch industry is “deeply disappointed” by the Chinese government’s decision to extend anti-subsidy duties against EU potato starch while the European Commission says it is considering appropriate steps to take.

© iStock/Smartinn69

EDA: "It seems the EU does not need Brexit to end the single market"

Spain to introduce origin labelling for milk products

By Niamh Michail

As Spain becomes the latest country to bring in mandatory country of origin labelling for milk and milk-based products, the European Dairy Association (EDA) has blasted the European Commission's "laissez-faire" approach.

MEP sounds isoglucose health warning as EU quotas end

MEP sounds isoglucose health warning as EU quotas end

By Niamh Michail

At the end of the month, the EU sugar regime will end, liberalising the market after nearly 50 years of production quotas. But one MEP is questioning whether the Commission has considered the impact on Europeans’ health as manufacturers switch to isoglucose.


Sweden probes competition in food chain

By Katy Askew

The Swedish government is launching a probe into competition in the grocery supply chain as part of a national strategy to boost the competitiveness of the country’s food sector.

Cheap food has expensive consequences but how can we make 'better' food?


Cheap food has expensive consequences but how can we make 'better' food?

By Niamh Michail

Cheap food has expensive consequences for people and the planet's health but how can we make healthier and more sustainable food a reality for a global population? Grass-root movements will be key but industry must also be receptive, says Carolyn...

©Credits CHarlieAJA/iStock

Brexit: Food sector warns on worker shortages

By Katy Askew

UK food makers have issued a warning on the “significant disruption” that will ensue if the sector is hit by a drop in the number of EU workers in the UK following Brexit.

©Droitis d'auteur/iStock

Should Europe follow in UK footsteps with childhood obesity strategy?

By David Burrows

As the UK’s childhood obesity strategy turned one last week, health campaigners lined up their critiques of the first 365 days. However, the government managed to sidestep any bad press by announcing an expansion of the plan’s focus (from sugar content...


UK targets open Irish border for food after Brexit

By Katy Askew

The UK government has said it wants to reach a deal that will see “no hard border in the movement of goods” between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland following the country’s exit from the European Union.

© iStock

Dutch arrests made as fipronil egg scare spreads to 17 markets

By Katy Askew

Authorities in the Netherlands are holding two suspects as part of the ongoing criminal investigation into the fipronil egg contamination scandal that has now spread to 15 European countries as well as Switzerland and Hong Kong.


Netherlands and Belgium face-off in fipronil spat

By Katy Askew

Authorities in the Netherlands have denied claims from their Belgian counterparts that they were aware of fipronil contamination in eggs as early as 2016 as a food safety scare in Europe threatens to spill over into a diplomatic spat. 

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