
'Once outside the EU the UK must develop its own external tariffs, and may find itself subject to the high external tariffs applied by the EU to agricultural products—to the detriment of UK farmers and food manufacturers.' ©iStock/Nerthuz

Brexit could pose GM headache for UK

By David Burrows

The UK’s food sector will face “enormous challenges” following Brexit, both in relation to trade with Europe and within its own borders, according to a report by the House of Lords EU energy and environment subcommittee.

MEPs last week said they were “convinced the authority should be endowed with a sufficient budget to hire independent in-house experts with no conflicts of interest”. ©iStock

Analysis: Can EFSA ever cut ties with industry?

By David Burrows

The consultation for a new policy on independence at the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) draws to a close this week and campaigners have told FoodNavigator that the final document won’t be worth the paper it’s written on

MEPs also decided to end the practice whereby consumers cannot access a foreign website but are directed to a website in their own country. ©iStock/scyther5

MEPs vote to end cross-border bias in online shopping

By Will Chu

Shopping for specialty foods could become easier after an EU committee voted to lift restrictions preventing retailers from selling products online to consumers living in another member state.

The health risks of trans-fats are now well known. © iStock

Trans-fats: Pressure or prohibition?

By Louis Gore-Langton

New studies show banning trans-fats can save lives, but with the industry reformulating products to remove them, is more government policy necessary?

© iStock/Jan-Schneckenhaus

Health risk from pesticide residues is low, says EFSA

By Niamh Michail

The health risk from pesticide residues in food is low, according to a report by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), with 97% of samples within legal limits - but this is an "upbeat" interpretation which ignores the cocktail effect, critics...


JRC finds 14% of honey samples to be adulterated

By Joseph James Whitworth

More than 14% of tested honey samples have been found to be adulterated, according to a long-awaited report by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC).


European Parliament votes in favour of strict new palm oil measures

By Louis Gore-Langton

Today the European Parliament voted to implement tough new palm oil resolutions, which if enforced would see its elimination from use in biofuels and enforce stricter regulations on production and certification throughout the continent. 

© iStock/bogdandreava

The big debate: Can sugar survive a public health crisis?

By Niamh Michail

The world is getting fatter and unhealthier - are smaller portions and diet drinks really going to help when they sit next to full-sugar, supersized products? Is it time to tax or is industry doing enough? Catch the highlights from our live debate.


Sugar, salt and fat taxes are 'very positive', says Health Commissioner

By David Burrows

The EU Health Commissioner has said that taxation on certain ingredients and products can be a “very powerful” tool for tackling health issues, including obesity. Campaigners have welcomed his comments but food industry representatives said small businesses...

© iStock/Bee-individual

UK triggers article 50 for Brexit; Industry reacts

By Niamh Michail

Today UK prime minister Theresa May triggered article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, formally launching Britain’s exit from the European Union, which the British and European food industry had opposed.

Parliament failed to reach the required majority, leaving the decision in the hands of the commission  ©iStock

MEPs oppose GM approvals but Commission will have the final say

By Louis Gore-Langton

EU member states yesterday voted against the introduction and renewal of GM grains in Europe but failed to reach a binding majority, leaving the president of the Commission Jean-Claude Juncker to make the final decision.

Wilmar has been sourcing illegal palm oil from plantations in critically endangered habitats, according to new findings iStock©

Nestlé "very concerned" over deforestation links to Wilmar palm oil

By Louis Gore-Langton

Nestlé says it is "very concerned" by allegations that its palm oil supplier Wilmar International has again been implicated in sourcing palm oil from the protected Leuser ecosystem in Indonesia, according to a report by the Rainforest Action...

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