
The report's authors said they aimed to raise awareness of market opportunities for plant-based diets

Moving away from meat: Support needed to change behaviour

By Lynda Searby

One in five British consumers is eating less meat than a year ago, but efforts by the public to reduce meat consumption are largely unsupported by governments and the food industry, according to a new review by Eating Better.

Food labelling will receive more attention if Labour is successful at the next election said Abrahams

Labour plans tougher food regulation

By Rick Pendrous

Labour is about to set out its plans for improving public health if elected next year and while tougher regulation can be expected, sugar and fat taxes will not be part of the mix, it has emerged.

European food industry leads calls for Lima progress on climate change

By Paul Gander

With the UN-led climate change negotiations now underway in Lima, Peru, industry organisation FoodDrinkEurope is urging delegates to stop “stalling” and come up with an “ambitious and legally-binding” agreement before the Paris talks in November 2015.

“Most of the research priorities identified should be addressed in the coming years to deliver results in the short- to mid-term (before 2030),” said the report

Commission defines food research priorities to 2050

By Anna Bonar

Tailored diets, sustainability, integrated policy-making and consumer awareness of the link between food and health are the four research priority ideas identified in the European Commission’s (EC) foresight report.

Consumers may trade sustainability for more self-centred purchase motivators, like health, taste or cost

Health and sustainability goals entail trade-offs


Pursuing health and environmental sustainability goals at the same time requires trade-offs, argues an Aarhus University associate professor in Current Opinion in Food Science.

Strawberries cause allergic reactions among many European adults

EFSA updates food allergen advice


The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has updated its scientific advice on food allergens, taking into account latest published data on food allergy prevalence in Europe.

“This decision has opened a new doors for us, for example the supplement market as for example the chia seeds can’t be included in dietary supplements,” said Aurelie Vromaine, product manager at Ingredia.

Benexia chia oil wins EU novel foods approval

By Anna Bonar

The European Commission has approved Benexia chia oil as a novel food for use in food supplements and in place of other plant fats and oils in foods and drink applications.

Emma Blackery's YouTube channel has more than 830,000 subscribers

YouTube Oreo ‘lick race’ ads banned


The UK’s Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has banned several YouTube adverts for Oreos following a BBC Newsround investigation, ruling that their commercial nature was not immediately clear to viewers.

The term nanotechnology refers to the control of matter at an atomic or molecular scale of between one and 100 nanometres (nm) – one millionth of a millimetre.

MEPs reject nanoparticles in novel foods


Members of the European Parliament’s health and environment committee last night rejected a Commission proposal that would have updated novel foods rules to allow the use of nanoparticles.

The Pope said food was susceptible to manipulation by complaints of the economic crisis

Pope Francis: Food has been reduced to a commodity


Market pre-eminence has reduced food to a commodity subject to financial speculation, Pope Francis told attendees at a major nutrition conference in Rome this morning.

The Malaysian government seeks to double palm oil production by 2020, while production is also expanding in equatorial Africa.

UN helps RSPO strengthen palm complaints platform

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) have partnered to raise awareness on sustainable palm oil and strengthen frameworks like that for complaints on compliance.

Binding, global policies are needed to improve health, the letter argues

Health campaigners call for treaty to tackle poor diets


International health campaigners have called for a binding treaty to tackle diet-related ill health in a letter to the heads of the World Health Organisation (WHO) and Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).

New measures approved by the EU today will mean greater flexibility for EU member states to restrict or ban the cultivation of genetically modified crops in their own territories

EU backs bid for national bans on GM crops

By Nathan Gray

Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have voted to allow individual countries within the EU to ban the cultivation of genetically modified food crops on their soil, even if the EU has already approved them for wider cultivation.


Analyst predicts more European bans could follow

Lithuania bans energy drink sales to under 18s

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Lithuania has banned energy drink sales to under 18s - making the Baltic state the first European country to do so.

Nutritionists have defended the government's 'Eatwell Plate'

Nutritionists defend government advice on food

By Laurence Gibbons

Claims that the government’s ‘Eatwell Plate’ promotes excessive sugar intake and contributes to growing health problems in the UK have been rubbished by leading nutritionists.

Baked goods are a top source of curcumin for European children

EFSA reassesses European curcumin exposure levels


The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has reassessed exposure to curcumin and found consumption is lower than previously thought – although some children consume close to the acceptable daily intake (ADI).

We may reach the WHO's 5 g target in 30 or 40 years, claimed Cappuccio

Challenges remain for salt reduction: Expert forum


The UK’s salt reduction programme has been hugely successful – but it has challenges ahead, according to experts speaking at FoodNavigator’s Salt Reduction Forum last week.

Pesticides: vital tool or threat to food security and the environment?

Food prices would rocket if pesticides banned

By Michael Stones

Food prices would rocket if pesticides were banned or their use severely restricted, according to the National Farmers Union (NFU); a claim hotly disputed by environmental pressure group Friends of the Earth (FoE).

The exact impact of food 'sin' taxes on the European agri-food sector needs to be further assessed, says Commission

What’s top on the Commission’s food forum agenda?

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The impact of ‘sin taxes’ on competitiveness and consumption habits, food prices, and sustainability were the key points on the agenda for the European Commission’s High Level Forum for a Better Functioning Food Supply Chain.

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