
Commission moves to help olive oil industry

Commission moves to help olive oil industry

By Jane Byrne

As demand for olive oil falls and prices follow suit, the European Commission is intervening to ensure beleaguered producers tender for aid so they can store their surplus.

EU potato starch imports hit

Avebe slams Chinese restrictions on EU potato starch suppliers

By Jane Byrne

Dutch potato starch supplier Avebe said it is investigating whether legal steps can be taken in response to China’s decision last week to stick countervailing duties on top of existing anti-dumping duties on potato starch imports from the EU.

Dairy UK supports DEFRA date-marking changes

Dairy UK supports DEFRA date-marking changes

By Ben Bouckley

Trade body Dairy UK says its supports the UK government’s new initiative on date marking as a “major step forward in reducing food wastage in the home”.

UK children could exceed ADI levels for Sunset Yellow, finds EFSA

UK children could exceed ADI levels for Sunset Yellow, finds EFSA

By Jane Byrne

A decision is awaited from the Commission on the use of Sunset Yellow FCF (E 110) in non-alcoholic flavoured drinks following a revised exposure assessment from EFSA showing some children in the UK could still be over the ADI levels for the additive.

There are 29 approved nutrition claims in the European Union

Nutrition claims made simple for food marketers

By Sarah Hills

Food manufacturers and marketers who are “irked” by tight nutrition claim regulations are being offered practical steps to ensure they comply with the rules whilst remaining competitive.

Yoghurt can aid lactose maldigestion if it contains at least 108CFU (colony forming units)

How to win yoghurt health claims: “Keep it simple”

By Shane Starling

“Keeping it simple and straightforward” is the takeaway message from a new report targeting yoghurt makers in search of health claim success within the European Union’s strict new claims regime.

The soy industry hopes EFSA will acknowledge cholesterol-heart benefits second time around

Soy story 2: Rejected soy players resubmit cholesterol health claim

By Shane Starling

Just days after its soy protein-cholesterol reduction health claim was writ into the European Union register of rejected claims, the soy industry has re-entered the game with a fresh submission it says has learnt hard lessons from last year’s EFSA rebuttal.

Concerns raised over aflatoxin controls on Indian spices

Concerns raised over aflatoxin controls on Indian spices

By Rory Harrington

The Indian spice sector has been given a wake up call after EU inspectors uncovered a raft of weaknesses in the country's safety procedures to prevent aflatoxin contamination that means exports cleared by officials may fail to reach European standards.

Salt or sodium? The EU is backing salt labelling

Salt lobby opposes EU's “absurd labelling” measures

By Shane Starling

European salt trade body EUSalt admits the “battle is lost” to prevent mandatory EU-wide salt labelling on food products after Guideline Dietary Allowance (GDA) measures were approved as expected in a European Parliament vote this afternoon.

Desperate times: With EFSA rejecting clinical data en masse, Dr Glenn Gibson dons his magic, technicolour health claim dream labcoat in the hope of winning a claim. The NDA concludes causality has not been demonstrated between magic and dreamcoats

EU researchers revolted as EFSA clears health claims vault

By Shane Starling

The European Food Safety Authority last week delivered the fifth batch of article 13, general function health claim opinions bringing the total issued to 2723. There are just 35 to go – to be published next month in a final mini-batch that will conclude...

Many positive opinions, many more negative in the latest batch of EFSA health claim missives


EFSA publishes article 13, batch 5 – winners and losers

By Shane Starling

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) this morning published 536 health claims in 73 opinions in the fifth batch of general function claims.

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