
Food safety reform: Not a century too soon

Food safety reform: Not a century too soon

On a summer’s day in 1906 Theodore Roosevelt pushed through new food safety regulation. The Food and Drugs Act passed that day over 100 years ago was the last time the US food safety system was modernized.

Spotlight again on cloned animals

Spotlight again on cloned animals

By Jane Byrne

A review of cloning is underway at the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) following a request from the European Commission for further advice on the implications of the technology for food safety, animal health and welfare and the environment.

What consumers make of food labels

Dispatches from FDF labelling debate

What consumers make of food labels

Recent research has shed new light on how consumers understand food labels - and use them to inform their shopping decisions. But questions still remain over what will make them switch to healthier food choices.

EFSA cans cranberry health claim

EFSA health claim opinion

EFSA cans cranberry health claim

By Shane Starling

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has issued a negative opinion to global cranberry leader Ocean Spray for an article 14 health claim relating consumption of cranberry and urinary tract infection (UTI) in women.

What labelling scheme(s) should Europe allow?

Dispatches from FDF labelling debate

What labelling scheme(s) should Europe allow?

Debate is heating up about the best way to present nutrition information on food labels throughout the EU as lawmakers hammer out the details of new legislation. The Food and Drink Federation gives a view from industry.

In praise of pesticides

In praise of pesticides

By Mike Stones

Who likes pesticides? Misunderstood by consumers and misrepresented by pressure groups, pesticides are a soft target for legislators. The latest blow to that soft target could have hard consequences for the European food industry and for developing countries.

Food and the Czech presidency

Food and the Czech presidency

By Jess Halliday

The Czech presidency of the EU Council has published its work programme for the next six months, pledging progress on the food labelling regulation proposal, debate on food quality issues, simplification of the CAP and discussions on the policy’s future.

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