
Men eating fewer trans-fats

Men eating fewer trans-fats

As evidence mounts that trans fatty acids could be harmful to our
health, consumer organisations have placed the issue high on their
agenda, calling for industry to help tackle the problem. A new
study suggests a decline in consumption...

Firm gels for perfect flans

Firm gels for perfect flans

Our glimpse of imminent product launches at the upcoming Food
ingredients Europe exhibition in Frankfurt this November continues
with UK starch business National Starch launching Advanta-Gel, an
instant structurising starch.

Acrylamide tests continue

Acrylamide tests continue

Concern over acrylamide levels in foodstuffs arose in April 2002
when scientists in Sweden discovered unexpectedly high levels of
this potentially carcinogenic compound in carbohydrate-rich foods
heated to high temperatures. Scientists...

Cerestar pushes organic

Cerestar pushes organic

Recently passed into the hands of US agribusiness Cargill, French
starch derivatives company Cerestar answers rising market demand
for organic ingredients with a new grade of organic glucose syrup.

Danisco promotes pectin

Danisco promotes pectin

Danish ingredients company Danisco continues on the innovative
trail with the addition of a new pectin to its Grinsted series.
Earlier in the year the company invested in a pectin boost by
expanding its Czech production facilities.

Powerhouse berries

Powerhouse berries

New evidence to support the health benefits of cranberries comes
from the US this week as researchers suggest cranberries may reduce
brain cell damage associated with stroke.

Sweetener beats glycemic index

Sweetener beats glycemic index

As governments, consumer groups and scientists all voice as one the
dangers of high sugar diets, encouraging us to cut the sugar
consumption, opportunities for growth in the sugar-free market
continue to multiply for food manufacturers.

Here's to health!

Here's to health!

Regular alcohol intake, thought to reduce the risk of
cardiovascular disease, is associated with lower prevalence of
metabolic syndrome, reported Greek researchers at the European
Society of Cardiology meeting earlier this week.

Food science in 3D

Food science in 3D

Giant three-dimensional moving molecules roving before the eyes
could help scientists understand molecular behaviour in a matter of
minutes - instead of the more typical weeks using traditional

Drunken yeast

Drunken yeast

Scientists could be closer to understanding why red-wine quaffing
Mediterraneans live to a handsome age thanks to a new study that
found an ingredient in red wine extended the life span of yeast.

UK aims for sustainable meals

UK aims for sustainable meals

A major review in the UK of food in the public sector will throw up
questions about environmental issues, food production methods,
local suppliers and nutrition. Government hopes the review will
lead to more environmentally-friendly...

New diet science for ice cream

New diet science for ice cream

The sugar content of foods is of increasing concern to consumers.
Food ingredients suppliers are constantly making moves to meet
these new needs. Danish ingredients company Danisco announced this
week that it has launched a new technology...

Yeast combats apple mould

Yeast combats apple mould

The US Department of Agriculture says it is seeking to patent a
biocontrol yeast that fights the apple nemesis 'blue mould', a
fungus which leaves a telltale sign of soft, watery, light-brown

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