
“Obesity has become the new major discussion about the causes of diseases in various populations,

Online tool shows global scale of obesity-related cancer

By Niamh Michail

The impact of obesity on cancer rates across the world – and how many cases could have been prevented – is made clear with an online data tool, launched by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) last month.

The research identifies Portugal's traditional pastries as a food that uses fats with high TFA content. (Image:

Concern over trans fat levels in Portuguese pastries

By Will Chu

High levels of trans fats in Portuguese foods, especially pastry, are contributing to an increased risk of coronary heart disease, cancer and diabetes, according to a study -  but processed and packaged pastries are not the worst offenders.

With healthy eating among the most common New Year’s resolutions, the study's findings add more incentive to reduce food intake all year round (image: Hywards)

Post-meal blood sugar levels promote heart attack complications

By Will Chu

The level of sugar in your blood can affect the contraction of blood vessels, with potentially dangerous effects on the heart and blood pressure, a recent study has shown, highlighting the potential risks of regularly consuming rich, sugary foods. 

Teach children to defend themselves against advergames

Teach children to defend themselves against advergames

By Niamh Michail

Children should be taught how to defend themselves against marketing tactics used in online 'advergames' for unhealthy food, says one researcher - but policy changes to restrict online advertising would be the most effective way to protect children.

Nutrition values seen on labels can differ substantially based on the recommended serving size (Photo credit:

Consumers buy more when recommended serving sizes are smaller

By Will Chu

Nutrition values seen on labels can differ substantially based on the recommended serving size, with consumers buying more of the same product among one of a number of undesirable consumer behaviours, researchers have found.

Diabetes: understanding the adipose link

Diabetes: understanding the adipose link

By Louisa Richards

A newly published review in Nutrition Research Reviews details how adipose tissue (AT) dysfunction can contribute to diabetes and gives more strength to the view that AT is able to produce, store, and send out hormones that can regulate metabolism.

WFP: 'We rely on private sector support to improve the ability to deliver good nutrition.'

Special Edition: Battling Malnutrition

All in: Making malnutrition a global priority

By Will Chu

Nutritional programmes and interventions are a starting point - but genuine multi-stakeholder involvement is what's required to tackle the world's problem of malnutrition and under nutrition.

The children’s choices of food classification closely mirror that of their parents. Tomsickova

Special edition: Food for kids

Study shows healthy eating programmes should target preschool years

By Will Chu

The foods children define as a meal or snack is largely undetermined in their formative preschool years suggesting that eating and diet programs could use the findings of a new study to encourage a healthy balanced diet from an early age.

Stormy outlook: climate change was already cutting UK yields, warned the NFU

Climate change is cutting UK food production: NFU

By Michael Stones

Climate change is already cutting UK food output, according to a survey conducted by the National Farmers Union (NFU), as US president Barack Obama said the UN climate conference in Paris could be a “turning point” in global efforts to halt rising temperatures.

EFSA has given the green light for thaumatin in a wide range of applications including food flavourings, salt substitutes, sauces and snacks.

EFSA gives green light to new applications for thaumatin

By Lynda Searby

Following a favourable scientific opinion from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), formulators will soon be able to use the natural protein sweetener and flavour modifier thaumatin in a broader range of applications.

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