
The livestock industry needs food producers, retailers and consumers to show cooperation and a willingness to pay for products produced with a reduced environmental impact, say the researchers.

Food labels could reduce livestock environmental impacts

By Nathan Gray

The use of ‘single-focus’ labels on food products could be a small change that leads to a big difference in reducing the environmental impacts of livestock on water availability, say researchers.

Sugar-sweetened beverages do not easily fit within a healthy diet, says Anderson

Food industry must slash sugar – not just tinker


Food industry ‘tinkering’ with sugar content while foods and drinks remain relatively high in sugar may detract from more basic sugar reduction strategies, warns a public health expert.

Harvard study suggests we seek maximum caffeine bang from coffee buck


Harvard study suggests we seek maximum caffeine bang from coffee buck


A high-profile US meta study suggests people naturally tailor their coffee intake to experience caffeine’s optimal effects, while genetic factors linked to higher consumption likely increase coffee metabolism.

Cassava could be used in a similar way to corn to provide starch sweeteners

Cassava shapes up as an alternative source for starch sweeteners

By Paul Gander

New research led by Du Pont Industrial Biosciences concludes that enzyme technology currently used with maize and wheat could be applied far more widely to cassava root starch to produce sweeteners such as glucose, fructose and maltose.

Prebiotic promise? Granny Smith apples could help battle obesity by helping the growth of friendly bacteria in the colon due to their high content of non-digestible compounds, including dietary fibre and polyphenols, and low content of available carbohydrates.

Can an apple a day keep obesity away?

By Nathan Gray

Non-digestible compounds found in some types of apples, and especially in Granny Smith apples, could help to fight obesity by re-establishing the balance of a disturbed microbiota, say researchers.

'Flavonoids favored the reduction of acrylamide when a moderate but not high level was selected,' researchers say

Flavonoids for acrylamide reduction: Study

By Kacey Culliney

Flavonoids can effectively reduce acrylamide formation and there are low-cost methods of measuring the antioxidant activity to optimize impact, claim researchers.

Low vitamin D status could be a worry for Scottish health, according to the new NDNS data.

Scottish dietary survey reveals vitamin D worry

By Nathan Gray

A significant proportion of Scottish adults and children show evidence of low vitamin D levels, according to new data from the UK national diet and nutrition survey (NDNS).

TNO is looking closely at algae extraction

Algal futures

VALORIE: TNO invests in high-value algae refining

By Paul Gander

Dutch research organisation TNO is working with industry partners on a pilot scale algae refining plant with potential in omega-3s, proteins and antioxidants.

'The accumulation of data finally shows that there is no demonstrated link between saturated fatty acids and cardiovascular disease,' said professor Philippe Legrand of AgroCampus Ouest.

Dispatches from Euro Fed Lipid Congress, Montpellier.

Saturated fats may not cause heart disease: Researcher

By Anna Bonar

Saturated fatty acids shouldn’t be avoided as they don't cause cardiovascular disease - but 'excess' is the important word, says a human nutrition expert.

Dispatches from Euro Fed Lipid Congress, Montpellier

The road to fish-oil equivalent GM camelina

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Rothamsted Research has achieved omega-3 levels comparable to fish oil in its first GM camelina harvest, something which has been surprisingly well received by the public, its senior researcher says. 

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