
Hooked on sugar? Claims of food addiction are overstated, said John Blundell, of Leeds University

Food addiction: a flawed excuse for overeating

Claims that people can get ‘hooked’ on certain foods which then makes them obese are overstated, with the result that food addiction is becoming an overly simplistic explanation for overeating, according to a leading expert in psychobiology.

Industry concerned about data abuse as EFSA fans transparency wings

Industry concerned about data abuse as EFSA fans transparency wings

By Shane Starling at EFSA in Parma, Italy

As the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) welcomed a broad range of stakeholders to its Italian HQ today to debate data and process transparency, the food industry asked at what point openness brakes innovation and competitive advantage?

French safety agency ANSES warns of energy drinks exercise risk


French safety agency ANSES warns of energy drinks exercise risk


French food safety agency ANSES recommends that the nation stop drinking energy drinks together with alcohol and during physical exercise due to the risk of adverse effects from caffeine.

Leatherhead's new lab will bring all its chemistry facilities into one research facility

Leatherhead opens new research lab

By Mike Stones

Leatherhead Food Research (LFR) has opened its new Chemistry Research Laboratory dedicated to a wide range of food testing services.

Infographic: The facts behind low calorie sweetener consumption

Infographic: The facts behind low calorie sweetener consumption

By Nathan Gray

Sweeteners are widely used to replace sugar in diet and low calorie products within the food and beverage industry. However, many consumers are still worried about these ingredients. So, what are the facts behind low calorie sweeteners?

Unilever: Healthier food choices must be ‘doable’

From the 20th International Congress of Nutrition in Granada, Spain

Unilever: Healthier food choices must be ‘doable’


The food industry came under attack last week at the International Congress of Nutrition (#ICN20) for not doing enough to improve the healthiness of its portfolios…unfairly, says Unilever.

Study claims that home-cooked infant weaning foods are better than commercial ones

Infant food flop: Study finds nutritional faults in popular brands

By Annie-Rose Harrison-Dunn

The majority of infant weaning foods available in the UK do not provide the nutrient density and diversity of taste and texture needed in this formative stage and may encourage bad sweet tooth habits in the future, research has claimed.

Could beetroot bread help lower heart disease risk?

Could beetroot bread help lower heart disease risk?

By Nathan Gray

Enriching bread with nitrate-rich beetroot could help to lower our risk of heart disease by reducing blood pressure and improving blood vessel functioning, according to new research.

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