
Computer software could speed NPD

Massive food ‘dictionary’ to speed new product development

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

New product developers may soon have a new tool for coming up with innovative food concepts, as a group of Dutch companies and universities is developing a huge dictionary of food knowledge compiled from more than 20 million seemingly unrelated documents.

Satiety - and energy intake - was linked to how long food was chewed

Time spent chewing food important for satiety, study suggests

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

The amount of time spent chewing food could have an important impact on feelings of fullness – calling into question the suitability of beverages for increasing satiety, according to a new Nestlé-sponsored study.

Dr David Tribe

Talking tough on Monsanto GM maize cancer study

By RJ Whitehead

Last week saw a furious row between researchers in France and their critics from around the world after they published new findings on the effect of genetically modified Roundup maize when it is fed to rats.

EU project to test how well health claims are understood by consumers

EU project to test how well health claims are understood by consumers

By Nathan Gray

A new EU project aims to tackle how consumers interpret health claims and symbols on food products in the hope of developing future guidelines on how such claims can be used to strengthen informed choice, healthy eating and industrial competitiveness.

Food labels may help consumer battle obesity

Food labels may help consumer battle obesity: Study

By Nathan Gray

Reading nutritional information placed on food labels works to help fight obesity, according to new findings confirming that people who read labels are generally thinner than those who do not.

Exposure to low levels of the genetically modified crop could result in a ‘greatly increased’ risk of tumors’ and premature death, say French researchers.

‘Safe’ levels of Monsanto herbicide and GM crop linked to cancer

By Nathan Gray

Long term exposure to even relatively low levels of Monsanto’s herbicide Roundup and a genetically modified resistant crop strain could result in a ‘greatly increased’ risk of tumors’ and premature death, according to new findings in rats.

American Chemistry Council disputes BPA link to obesity

Chemists dispute BPA link to obesity

By Rod Addy

The American Chemistry Council (ACC) has disputed the findings of a study linking Bisphenol A (BPA), a substance used in a range of food packaging materials and coatings, with childhood obesity.

R&D challenge: Developing texture-modified foods for the elderly

R&D challenge: Developing texture-modified foods for the elderly

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Texture-modified foods for the elderly are likely to become an important area for R&D in the coming years as the population ages – but there are many challenges to producing foods that provide all the nutrition elderly people need that are still palatable...

Does the nutritional value of organic produce really matter? So long as it's not worse ... I'd say no!

Organic nutrition: Does it really matter?

By Nathan Gray

Yesterday a large scale scientific review revealed that organic produce may not be more nutritious than ‘conventionally’ produced goods. But since that isn’t the main reason people buy them, does it really even matter?

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