
High dietary salt intake could be linked with up to a 68% increased risk of gastric cancer, say researchers.

Dietary salt intake linked to gastric cancer risk

By Nathan Gray

A new study investigating a link between high salt intake and risk of gastric cancers could add to increasing pressure for industry-wide sodium reduction, researchers have said.

‘Cheese makes you chubby’ New York billboards scream

‘Cheese makes you chubby’ New York billboards scream

By Ben Bouckley

The US-based Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) has taken shock tactics to consumers by posting two huge billboards in New York warning of what it claims are the obesity-related dangers of eating cheese.

Fatty taste receptor may explain fatty food preference: Study

Fatty taste receptor may explain fatty food preference: Study

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Scientists claim to have discovered a fatty taste receptor in humans, which could make people more or less sensitive to the fat content of food and influence food preference, according to a new study published in the Journal of Lipid Research.

2011’s top science under the microscope

2011’s top science under the microscope

By Nathan Gray

It’s been a big year for science, with innovations, reformulation, and sustainability all under the microscope. In this festive edition, the FoodNavigator team highlights some of our favourite science stories from this year.

Protein extraction breakthrough?

New protein separation technology moves closer: Solae

By Nathan Gray

A new process could help to selectively separate out high-value protein components in foods such as soy and thus produce higher purities and yields with high nutritional value, at cost-savings, says Solae.

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