Carbohydrates and fibres (sugar, starches)

“The scientific nonsense being peddled by the Coca-Cola-funded Global Energy Balance Network is outrageous,” said Michael Jacobson, president of the Center for Science in the Public Interest.

Coca-Cola controversy kills anti-obesity group

By David Burrows

A specialist group formed to combat obesity has been binned after it was forced to return a huge chunk of funding to Coca-Cola amid allegations of industry-biased science.

FiE 2015: Our best bits

FiE 2015: Our best bits

By Niamh Michail

Our teams of journalists were out in force at Food Ingredients Europe (FiE) last week. We’ve picked out some of our highlights from over one thousand exhibitors, a packed conference programme and talks on industry insights.

Photo: Istock / Lukatme

FoodNavigator 2016: What's on our editorial calendar?

By Niamh Michail

Putting the spotlight on innovative start-ups, sugar reduction, sustainable sourcing and the latest trends in colour, texture and flavour, FoodNavigator's special editions calendar and online events for 2016 spans the hottest topics for the European...

EFSA has given the green light for thaumatin in a wide range of applications including food flavourings, salt substitutes, sauces and snacks.

EFSA gives green light to new applications for thaumatin

By Lynda Searby

Following a favourable scientific opinion from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), formulators will soon be able to use the natural protein sweetener and flavour modifier thaumatin in a broader range of applications.

Consumers getting to know their carbs: BENEO study

By Lynda Searby

Consumers are starting to differentiate between carbohydrate types as more than 50% of participants making a distinction between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ carbs in a 5000-strong study shows – with important implications for industry.

The better for you (BFY) category has been a victim of the clean label and reformulation trends, says Euromonitor

exclusive guest article

The state of the health and wellness market in 2015

By Ewa Hudson, head of health and wellness research at Euromonitor International

Is organic still selling? Does the 'natural' trend mean fortified/functional food is now passé? And why are consumers turning their noses up at better for you (BFY) offerings? Ewa Hudson, head of health and wellness research at Euromonitor International,...

Junk food dominates marketing landscape in Scotland: study

Junk food dominates marketing landscape in Scotland: study

By David Burrows

Nearly three quarters of the food and drink marketing seen by children in Scotland is for junk food, according to new research that the Scottish Government will use to push for stricter UK-wide advertising rules.

Food price index rises on back of bad weather: FAO

Food price index rises on back of bad weather: FAO

By Nathan Gray

Major food commodity prices rose in October, spurred by weather-driven concerns about sugar and palm oil supplies, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).

EU sugar reform will damage public health, warn researchers

EU sugar reform will damage public health, warn researchers

By Niamh Michail

The EU sugar reform will harm public health by flooding the market with cheap sugar and tempting manufacturers to reformulate – an agricultural policy that takes into account public health is needed, say researchers.

What the Swedish eat: 1740-strong dietary survey

What the Swedish eat: 1740-strong dietary survey

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

People in Sweden fall into one of three dietary camps - a ‘healthy dietary’, ‘Swedish traditional’ or 'light-meal' pattern - a national dietary survey of 1740 adults has found.

Public Health England report: Key points and reactions

Public Health England report: Key points and reactions

By Niamh Michail

"No single action will be effective in reducing sugar intakes," concludes Public Health England's report which recommends cutting price promotions, junk food advertising and setting a sugar tax. We look at some reactions to the findings.

“We think there could be bigger impacts from getting a handle on promotions and (...) the deep, consistent advertising our children are exposed to on unhealthy foods,” Tedstone said.

Public Health England tells UK government: Sugar taxes do work

By Niamh Michail

All the evidence shows that sugar taxes decrease purchases and curb obesity– but restricting price promotions and junkfood advertising could have an even bigger impact, concludes Public Health England's report to the UK government.

Cargill's EverSweet fermented stevia launch

Will Cargill's EverSweet be a gamechanger for stevia?

By Niamh Michail

Extracted or fermented, blended or pure, stevia can take many forms - and the arrival of EverSweet will mean even more possibilities for positioning the sweetener, says Cargill. But will it get past the EU's regulatory roadblocks?

UK bakery market to grow by 9% by 2020

‘Elemis’ sugar replacer to revolutionise bakery industry

UK bakery market to grow by 9% by 2020

By Jenny Eagle

Ulrick & Short has sold its first sugar displacement product, ‘Elemis’, as it predicts the UK bakery market will grow by 9% by 2020.

UK agency launches €13.5 m reformulation competition

By Niamh Michail

The UK government is calling on businesses, scientists and agricultural producers to submit their proposals for salt, sugar, fat and fibre reformulation with the chance to win up to €13.5 m in funding.

More than half of EU countries set to opt out of GM

By Niamh Michail

Sixteen countries have requested to opt out of GM cultivation in Europe – but while the Commission says the opt-out clause is necessary for such a complex issue, campaigners are calling it ‘Kafkaesque’ and one scientist warns Europe is walking 'an...

Malcolm Clarke of the Children's Food Campaign slammed the government's refusal to consider a tax on sugary drinks as 'absurd'.

UK government rules out sugar tax

By Niamh Michail

The British government has no plans to tax sugary drinks, despite an online petition receiving more than the 100,000 signatures required to spark a parliamentary debate on the issue.

Burger buns are important to Jacquet Brossard

French get taste for sliced bread

By Rick Pendrous

While sales of plant bread are falling in the UK, in France they are up as consumers seek better shelf-life over baguettes, as Rick Pendrous discovers

Heinz drops healthy claim from sugary baby food

By Niamh Michail

Heinz has removed the word ‘healthy’ from adverts for sugary biscotti for babies – but the campaigner who filed the complaint has slammed the powerlessness of advertising regulators and impunity of Heinz as the word will remain on the packaging.

Fresh or dried vegetable pasta can help people reach their five-a-day vegetable intake - currently the most compelling health claim for British shoppers, according to a Mintel survey.

Spirals of success: Vegetable pasta is on the rise

By Niamh Michail

With sales of traditional pasta falling across Europe, homemade 'spiralised' vegetables are an increasingly popular alternative – but analysts say there is potential for food manufacturers too.

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