Chocolate and confectionery ingredients

Sweden to inform future children's nutrition policy with 3,000-strong survey

Sweden to take 2-day snapshot of kids’ diets

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The Swedish Food Authority (NFA) will look at what 3,000 children eat and drink over two days as part of a study into the diets of the country's youth. 

UK law to fight slavery in big firm supply chains

UK law to fight slavery in big firm supply chains

By Niamh Michail

New legislation will require all large firms in the UK to report on their fight against slavery in the supply chain - but experts say the 'opt out' clause means its success could be limited.

Almonds only grow in Mediterranean climate zones, like California

How is Californian drought affecting almond supply?


California provides 83% of the world’s almonds, but drought is affecting supply. FoodNavigator spoke to the Almond Board of California about how the industry is tackling water shortages – and why so much of the world is reliant on Californian almonds.

Some people may be born with a weak sweet taste, the researchers found

Sweet taste perception may be (partly) genetic


Some people may perceive sweet tastes as weaker than others – perhaps leading them to add more sugar or sweetener to gain the same level of sweetness, new research suggests.

Plum ingredients can improve the nutritional profile and reduce sugar in chocolate and other confectionery applications, claims Sunsweet

Could plum be the new color of confectionery?

By Lynda Searby

Supplier Sunsweet claims its plum ingredients could present a pathway to cleaner labels as safety concerns over caramel colors prompt confectionery manufacturers to look explore alternatives.

Financial reward only helps stop bad eating habits

By Tracy West

Giving people money to encourage healthier lifestyles only works in the longer term when designed to stop negative behaviour rather than promote positive choices, suggests research from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

The proposal would make it easier to introduce new foods into Europe that have a safe history of consumption elsewhere

Council approves final compromise text on novel foods


A European Council committee has rejected a proposal that would have allowed the European Parliament the right to veto novel foods approvals – saying this would contradict the law’s purpose to simplify authorisation.

“The over-consumption of sugar in our diets is now a well-documented public health disaster. But in order to address this problem, there is a vast range of other issues that must be addressed,

UK has 'moral responsibility' to limit EU sugar reform damage

By Niamh Michail

The end of EU sugar beet quotas could worsen the obesity crisis and damage the livelihoods of sugar cane growers and producers – and as an ex-colonial power Britain has a moral responsibility to act, says a report by the Food Research Collaboration.

85% of fruit snack products analysed by Action on Sugar contained more sugar than Haribo Starmix sweets

Kids’ fruit snacks criticised for high sugar content


Many fruit snacks aimed at children contain more sugar than confectionery – but could be misconstrued as ‘healthy’ because of their association with real fruit, according to pressure group Action on Sugar.

Can we really price people out of the market for unhealthy foods?

Obesity: Are food taxes the answer?


Food taxes were raised again last week as a way to help stem obesity rates – but are they really necessary? And would they work?

Taxation necessary to offset rising cost of a healthy diet

By Niamh Michail

The price of fruit and vegetables in the UK has tripled in the past 30 years, while the price of ice cream has halved – a pattern being repeated across the developing world which is fuelling the global obesity crisis.

Chewing gum linked to girl's death

By Niamh Michail

Chewing gum may have been responsible for the death of a 19-year old girl – but there is little evidence to suggest artificial sweeteners were at fault, a UK inquest found yesterday.

The review looked at different ways of modifying initial food choices and found three key elements in each context: Make healthy foods convenient, attractive and normal.

Three ways to encourage healthy eating anywhere

By Niamh Michail

Yes we can: By making healthy food choices Convenient, Attractive and Normal companies and policy-makers can foster healthy eating habits in all contexts, say researchers.

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