Chocolate and confectionery ingredients

Mascot bears hand out samples in nightclubs to appeal to an older audience, says Cocktail Candy makers Candy Pack

Cocktail Candy: We're not marketing to kids

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Belgian firm Candy Pack says it understands why some people might be "touchy" about the idea of alcohol-themed confectionery, but insists it isn't targeting children for its Cocktail Candy range.

Sugar-sweetened beverages do not easily fit within a healthy diet, says Anderson

Food industry must slash sugar – not just tinker


Food industry ‘tinkering’ with sugar content while foods and drinks remain relatively high in sugar may detract from more basic sugar reduction strategies, warns a public health expert.

Novel food proposals

Does 'history of safe consumption' mean foods are safe?

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Proposals to create a separate process for novel food approval from countries outside of the EU will not see the market flooded with unsafe foods, a European Commission official told a concerned audience at a European Parliament workshop.

FoodNavigator 2015: What’s on our editorial calendar?

FoodNavigator 2015: What’s on our editorial calendar?


From developments in fats and flavours, to the latest trends in fighting obesity, food for kids, and protein, FoodNavigator's special editions calendar for 2015 spans the hottest topics for the European food and drink industry.

Swedish survey shows need for more products that adhere to Nordic nutrition keyhole label standards

80% of Swedes give keyhole labelling thumbs up

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Around 80% of Swedish people think the keyhole labelling system is a good thing, according to a survey published by the Swedish National Food Agency (NFA).

Confectioners can ditch artificial Brilliant Blue for natural blue derived from microalgae, says Wild

Wild taps spirulina for natural colors range

By Oliver Nieburg

Wild Flavors has developed a natural color series that includes a blue derived from microalgae spirulina, giving confectioners a natural option for fruit flavors like blueberry.

'A really core part in producer countries is about supporting the domestic market. That’s something that really resonates in these markets, says Fairtrade International

Fairtrade certified goods on the up in producer countries

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Consumers in producer countries are increasingly interested in Fairtrade certified products as a means of supporting their domestic economy, according to Fairtrade International’s annual report.

Givaudan said there was a global interest in developing umami taste with lower MSG content

Patent Watch

Givaudan files patent for MSG-free umami

By Kacey Culliney

Givaudan has developed a compound blend that creates an acceptable umami impression in food and beverages, enabling elimination or reduction of monosodium glutamate (MSG).

Mars claims solid plant fat holds the key to caramel water migration issues

Patent watch

Watertight idea? Mars files patent for multi-texture caramel

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Mars has filed a patent for ‘multi-texture’ caramel products, using a method that prevents moisture migration from caramel to crispy components without the need for a fat-based moisture barrier.

A new EU report suggests taxes on fat, sugar, or other unhealthy foods can help to reduce consumption levels. However the report also warns that the issues are complex and that such levies can have unexpected effects

'Sin taxes' on unhealthy foods will work, says EU report

By Nathan Gray

Taxes imposed on sugary, salty or fatty foods do lead to reductions in consumption, says the European Commission in a new report. But higher taxes could also encourage consumers to simply go for cheaper products, it warns.

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