
The Malaysian government seeks to double palm oil production by 2020, while production is also expanding in equatorial Africa.

UN helps RSPO strengthen palm complaints platform

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) have partnered to raise awareness on sustainable palm oil and strengthen frameworks like that for complaints on compliance.

Eating salty snacks has been suggested to increase thirst, and therefore drive excess calorie intake.

Myth busting? High salt intake may not increase thirst

By Nathan Gray

It is commonly believed that consumption of salty foods increases thirst, and could be a reason for increased consumption of sugary soft drinks and alcoholic beverages. But just how true is this notion?

Palm oil imports may be responsible for as many as 117,000 EU jobs, claims the report

What is palm oil’s economic impact in Europe?


The palm oil sector makes a clear contribution to the economies of producer countries – but it also contributes to the economy in importing markets, according to a new report.

Danisco opened the Brabrand R&D centre in 1964. It has become the hub of an R&D network that spans 14 centres worldwide

DuPont: ‘We will launch 4000 products by 2020’


DuPont’s nutrition & health division will play a big part in the launch of 4000 food-related products in the next six years, its chief said as the company celebrated 50 years at its Brabrand base in Aarhus, Denmark yesterday.

Bunge is the largest buyer of palm oil from the Malaysian state of Sarawak

Bunge commits to deforestation-free palm oil


Agribusiness giant Bunge is the latest multinational company to commit to deforestation-free palm oil supply – going beyond the requirements for RSPO membership.

Understanding elderly people's emotions about eating could help develop more tailored communication strategies and products, the researchers said

Emotional eating: How do the elderly feel about food?


The food industry is failing to tailor foods to the elderly – and recognising their various needs and wants could help companies develop more successful products, according to a new study.

We may reach the WHO's 5 g target in 30 or 40 years, claimed Cappuccio

Challenges remain for salt reduction: Expert forum


The UK’s salt reduction programme has been hugely successful – but it has challenges ahead, according to experts speaking at FoodNavigator’s Salt Reduction Forum last week.

Companies cannot rely on a Europe-wide view, says Ingredion

Clean label trumps brands in Europe, says report

By Paul Gander

The ingredient list and a lack of additives or ‘artificial’ ingredients are the most important considerations for consumers when making a food purchase after price, says a new report on clean label in Europe.

The UK has been dubbed 'the fat man of Europe'

Government policies should pass an ‘obesity test’


All new UK government policies should be considered in the context of rising obesity rates in an effort to reverse the trend, urges a report from independent think tank 2020health.

Don't miss the FoodNavigator debate on salt reduction on October 15.

Salt reduction roadmap: FoodNavigator forum this week

By Nathan Gray

Salt reduction remains a key challenge for many in the food industry. Join our team of salt reduction and policy experts on Wednesday, October 15th to discuss where current efforts can be improved, and what the future holds.

Bruce-Gardyne says gluten-free food will become healthier

Gluten-free foods set to get much healthier

By Nicholas Robinson

Consumer demand for healthier products will push the UK's gluten-free (GF) food manufacturers to make further reductions to the fat, sugar and salt content of their foods, industry experts have reported.

Givaudan said there was a global interest in developing umami taste with lower MSG content

Patent Watch

Givaudan files patent for MSG-free umami

By Kacey Culliney

Givaudan has developed a compound blend that creates an acceptable umami impression in food and beverages, enabling elimination or reduction of monosodium glutamate (MSG).

Blood flow may be improved and diastolic blood pressure reduced significantly by the consumption of almonds, according to researchers.

Almonds may reduce heart disease risk: Study

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Eating almonds may reduce the risk of heart disease by increasing levels of the antioxidant alpha-tocopherol in the blood stream, reducing blood pressure and improving blood flow, according to UK researchers.

Gluten-free pasta tends to be lower in fat, calories and sugars than standard pasta

How nutritious are gluten-free foods?


One of the main drivers of the gluten-free market is a desire for healthier diets and better nutrition – as opposed to medical need – but how healthy is the nutritional profile of typical gluten-free foods?

Beyond bread: Gluten-free potential in beer and pizza

By Annie-Rose Harrison-Dunn

Gluten-free bakery still offers plenty of opportunity in Europe, but beer, pizza and prepared meals are the most untapped segment of the cereal-containing products, according to a Mintel analyst.

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