GM food

EU regulatory deadlock welcomed by organic groups

By Niamh Michail

EU ministers have failed to reach an agreement on proposed changes to EU organic regulation, pushing back a vote until June – a standstill that is welcomed by organic farming associations.

Food companies face the challenge of increasing both production and sustainability through innovation without alienating consumers.

Is consumer scepticism stifling industry innovation?

By Niamh Michail

It is time for the food industry to demonstrate that the natural, healthy food we eat is the result of food science and innovation, says one expert – but opinion is divided over how to achieve this.

Many representations of GMOs, like this one, tap into intuitive ideas of unnaturalness - even though this is far from the reality of GM technology

Being anti-GMO may have ‘intuitive appeal’


Rejection of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) may be intuitive for many people, claims a paper published in the journal Trends in Plant Science.

Organic NPD vital to survive mainstream 'healthification'

By Niamh Michail

The organic sector has cultivated a culture of ethical awareness among consumers that conventional manufacturers are now cashing in on – and new product development is vital for the sector to retain its value, say experts.

Organic breaks social class barriers

Organic breaks social class barriers

By Niamh Michail

With working class households making up nearly one third of sales, organic is no longer a middle-class preserve - and some say it is even fueling Britain's 'foodie' culture.

EU proposes TTIP amendments following backlash

EU proposes TTIP amendments following backlash

By Niamh Michail

As MEPs prepare to discuss proposed amendments to TTIP’s investor principle in Riga next week, the European Commission says that most of the controversy springs from ‘common misconceptions’.

EFSA's new GM guidance document raises questions on how much information is legally required

EFSA GM guidance may require more data from biotech firms

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) may ask firms for more data on GM crop safety in applications for reauthorisation required after ten years, which experts say could lead to confusion and unnecessary paperwork for both company and assessor.

The previous status quo allowed crops to be grown anywhere in Europe following EU approval, although only one GM crop, Monsanto maize variety MON810, is grown commercially in the EU.

Member states back national bans for GM crops


EU member states have voted to allow national governments to ban or restrict cultivation of genetically modified (GM) crops even when approved at EU level, meaning the new rules will be written into law.

EFSA must revise its conflict of interest rules: European Ombudsman

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has been told to revise its conflict of interest rules, after the European Ombudsman received complaints that GM working group members failed to provide full details of their indirect financial relationships with...

There is no 'silver bullet' to global food security issues, with researchers suggesting that industry and policymakers take a multi-pathway approach to battling the issue.

What does the roadmap to food security really look like?

By Nathan Gray

Food security is vital to the food industry in both developing and developed countries, but what does ‘food security’ really mean, how do we measure it, and can we really solve the problems facing us?

Beyond GMOs: Europe needs to update biotech regulation


The European Union needs to update the way it regulates biotechnology as advances are made in plant breeding – or risk disrupting trade in commodity crops, according to Professor Huw Jones of Rothamsted Research.

Neither biotech nor environmental groups have welcomed the agreement

EU deal would allow member states to ban GM crops


The European Parliament and member states have agreed rules to allow member states to ban or restrict the cultivation of genetically modified (GM) crops, even when they are approved at EU level.

The exact impact of food 'sin' taxes on the European agri-food sector needs to be further assessed, says Commission

What’s top on the Commission’s food forum agenda?

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The impact of ‘sin taxes’ on competitiveness and consumption habits, food prices, and sustainability were the key points on the agenda for the European Commission’s High Level Forum for a Better Functioning Food Supply Chain.

Novel food proposals

Does 'history of safe consumption' mean foods are safe?

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Proposals to create a separate process for novel food approval from countries outside of the EU will not see the market flooded with unsafe foods, a European Commission official told a concerned audience at a European Parliament workshop.

Dispatches from Euro Fed Lipid Congress, Montpellier

The road to fish-oil equivalent GM camelina

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Rothamsted Research has achieved omega-3 levels comparable to fish oil in its first GM camelina harvest, something which has been surprisingly well received by the public, its senior researcher says. 

EFSA wants your views on its openness...

EFSA extends consultation on ‘Open EFSA’

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The European Food Safety Authority has extended the period of public consultation on its discussion paper ‘Transformation to an Open EFSA’ by a month.

Forget genetically modified, here’s to genetically edited

By Nathan Gray

Recent advances that allow the precise editing of genomes have raised the possibility that fruit and other crops might be genetically improved without the need to introduce foreign genes, according to researchers.

EFSA has said its previous assessment conclusions on MON810 safety

EFSA rejects French move to ban GM crop in Europe

By Nathan Gray

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has said French documentation supporting the country's attempt to ban Monsanto's MON810 genetically modified maize in Europe contains no new information or scientific basis to support such a ban.

“This is a real step forward in unblocking the dysfunctional EU process for approving GM crops, which is currently letting down our farmers and stopping scientific development,

"Environment Council has just broken the deadlock on the GMO cultivation proposal": Commission

European Commission reaches ‘political agreement’ on GM cultivation proposal

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The European Commission’s Environmental Council has “broken the deadlock” on GM crop cultivation proposals with a political agreement around how member states can restrict or ban such crop production on their soil.

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