Innovation & NPD


Kombucha’s potential reaches beyond millennials

By Rachel Arthur

While the US is the most developed market for kombucha, the category is growing in Europe with the drink’s natural and functional positioning ready to tap into health and wellness trends. But the evolution of the French, German and UK markets shows the...

Pret A Manger was awarded the prize for the best vegan pastry 2020

Vegan Food Award winners 2020: Oatly, Tesco, KFC and Pret

By Flora Southey

Food manufacturers, supermarket retailers, and foodservice operators continue to step up their plant-based offerings. UK branch of animal welfare charity PETA highlights some of the most ‘exciting’ and ‘new’ vegan products in its 2020 Vegan Food Awards....


AI tech offers food brands a finger on the pulse of trends

By Oliver Morrison

An Israeli start-up has launched its AI-powered food intelligence platform in the UK. The company – called Tastewise – says it can offer real-time industry insights on how consumers order, cook, and eat, to help brands with product innovation.

Albert Heijn initially used DNA traceability to confirm its chicken was slow-growth and has extended this approach to beef and pork / Pic: GettyImages-leischkadesign

Meat transparency: The answer could be in the DNA

By Katy Askew

Today’s consumers expect heightened levels of traceability – particularly when it comes to meat. Dutch retailer Albert Heijn is working with its suppliers and DNA testing expert IdentiGEN to provide shoppers with certainty around the meat they eat.


'Everybody should drink ketones — not just elite cyclists'

By Oliver Morrison

Ketone drinks have been embraced by professional athletes looking to boost their performance. But these ‘magic potions’ have the potential for mass appeal, believes the scientist who helped develop them, although taste and price remain huge barriers in...

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