Packaging & labelling

© GettyImages/Fascinadora

EU should follow our trans fat ban success: Denmark

By Niamh Michail

Denmark's trans fat ban is a public health and food reformulation success, and should be rolled out across the EU, says the Danish government. "The European Commission should be inspired by our good example," says the minister for food.

Consumer watchdog calls for traffic light labels

Pressure mounting for mandatory traffic light labels in UK

By Katy Askew

Calls for the introduction of mandatory front-of-pack traffic light labelling to be introduced in the UK continue to gain momentum as consumer group Which? issues a fresh report highlighting sugar in breakfast cereals.

© GettyImages/dewpak

Macadamias: On a mission to crack the on-trend nut market

By Niamh Michail

Macadamias only represent 1.5% of the tree nut market, held back by limited supplies and high prices, but a tree-planting programme could change that. "Customers are crying out to use macadamias as an ingredient. It’s up to us to make that opportunity...

© GettyImages/Riddofranz

Sweden to investigate low uptake of Keyhole logo

By Niamh Michail

Sweden's National Food Agency will investigate why many manufacturers choose not to add the free-to-use, healthy eating Keyhole logo to their products despite being eligible.

 © iStock

'Alibi products' taint Norway's salt reduction progress

By Niamh Michail

Norwegian manufacturers are using a few low-salt “alibi products” to boast about reformulation efforts while doing little to cut salt in large volume products, says a Consumer Council report.

© GettyImages/adrian825

Are some 'no added sugar' claims really illegal?

By Niamh Michail

Claims such as ‘no added sugar’ on foods containing sweeteners are commonplace and an important part of healthy branding - but are they technically illegal under EU law? We put the question to a food law expert.

Consumers are looking online for insight but are confused by the answers they are finding ©iStock/ArtemSam

Are fragmenting attitudes to health a threat to food brands?

By Katy Askew

New research finds that consumers are increasingly confused by the numerous – and sometimes contradictory – messages about food and health. A loss of trust in traditional sources of information adds to the chaos and stands as a barrier to the development...

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