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How does green tea work?

How does green tea work?

Japanese scientists may have explained why green tea stops the
progression of cancer. They report that the active component
epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) binds to a receptor thought to be
behind the spread of cancer.

Safety CD released

Safety CD released

The USDA has released an informational compact disc for federal and
state agriculture vets. The move is designed to prevent the
intentional and unintentional introduction of animal diseases into
the nation's food production chain.

Teens need a calcium boost

Teens need a calcium boost

New research appears to absolve the soft drinks industry from
responsibility for the low calcium intake among US adolescents but
it suggests that creative and effective ways of increasing levels
of the mineral, such as through fortified...

Big stores pay off for Metro

Big stores pay off for Metro

German retail giant Metro shrugged off currency effects and tough
economic conditions in its home market last year to post a 4 per
cent increase in sales - driven mainly by its larger store formats
such as cash & carry warehouses...

Naples explores walnuts

Naples explores walnuts

Walnuts, one of the oldest food ingredients known to mankind, are
the focus of an upcoming symposium organised by Europe that will
aim to bridge the gap between scientific, technical and user
communities. Opportunities for growth...

Danisco seals Chinese deal

Danisco seals Chinese deal

Danish sugar and ingredients firm Danisco closes on its xanthan gum
production deal in China, consolidating the firm's stabiliser
presence in this emerging market. Just days after the firm posted a
weaker third quarter as higher...

WBD hit by increased costs

WBD hit by increased costs

Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods has been hard hit by increased sales,
marketing and distribution costs of widening product portfolio. The
Russian dairy giant announced that its net income had fallen 40 per
cent, despite a significant increase...

Waitrose leads the chase

Waitrose leads the chase

UK supermarket giant Waitrose has emerged as the favourite to pick
up the biggest package of Safeway stores from WM Morrison. It is
expected to buy up to 25 supermarkets for between £250 million
(€374m) and £300 million.

Tesco raises expansion money

Tesco raises expansion money

Tesco has raised £640 million (€973) by selling off 33 of its UK
stores. The supermarket chain plans to rent the stores on a long
leasehold and carry on running the operations, and claims that
customers will not see any change.

Understanding risk

Understanding risk

Governments on both sides of the Atlantic need to better understand
how consumers perceive risk if they are to form better food safety
policies. The issue of bioterrorism however is helping to establish
a growing consensus among policy...

Bulgaria: bakery call?

Bulgaria: bakery call?

A recent study in Bulgaria suggests that the country's eating
habits are out of step with the rest of Europe. According to the
research expenditure on bakery items is the highest per head in
Europe, whereas meat is one of the...

Enough soy?

Enough soy?

Companies working with soy and soy derivatives face continuing
price rises for the raw material as the US - a leading global
producer and exporter of the crop - raises concerns about the
'unusually low soybean stocks level'...

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