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Print with less power

Print with less power

Technology firm Trident has developed a printing system that uses
only a third of the cure power of traditional printers. The company
claims that the system is therefore ideal for heat-sensitive
packaging material applications such...

Harmony in the food chain

Harmony in the food chain

Impending rules on traceability across the EU led CIES - the Food
Business Forum in France - to publish a guide to implementing
traceability in the food supply chain. By 2005 all food companies
in the European Union must have a traceability...

Blow to the egg industry

Blow to the egg industry

The safety of chicken eggs has been challenged by a UK
environmental pressure group, just weeks after figures showing the
lowest levels of Salmonella in years were published. The Soil
Association claims that as many as one in eight...

Folate fights the blues

Folate fights the blues

Evidence continues to mount suggesting a link between various
stages of depression and low blood levels of the B vitamin folate,
according to research funded by the Agricultural Research Service
in the US.

EU tightens label law

EU tightens label law

The EU has tightened the rules on the labelling of certain foods,
such as margarines, which contain plant sterols. These substances
are added because of their perceived ability to lower cholesterol
levels, but the European Commission...

Software solutions combined

Software solutions combined

Two IT solutions providers have formed a partnership to offer food
and drink manufacturers a combined management system. The move,
which is designed to improve plant operation efficiencies even
further, is a good example of the move...

Olive packaging investigated

Olive packaging investigated

Packaging olives with a stated shelf life of two to three years can
be 'unacceptable' long before their sell-by date, and those packed
in ordinary air may have a true shelf life of only nine months,
says a new report. This...

Own labels, the risk of NPD

Own labels, the risk of NPD

British retail chains have led the way in terms of own label
development, with many chains having several different ranges at a
number of price points and quality levels. But with new research
suggesting that own label penetration...

Cappuccino domination

Cappuccino domination

Leading Polish soft drinks and ingredients manufacturer Mokate says
it is planning to boost its production on the back of an
anticipated 15 per cent increase in sales, which it says will be
largely derived from enlargement. But to...

ISP buys into UK encapsulation

ISP buys into UK encapsulation

US hydrocolloid firm International Specialty Products (ISP)
continues to consolidate its position in the ingredients sector
announcing the acquisition of UK ingredients company Hallcrest. In
March this year the ambitious company acquired...

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