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Is organic meat the future?

Is organic meat the future?

Public concern over BSE outbreaks is set to boost sales of organic
meat products in North America, according to a new report. But
North Americans have not historically been as influenced by food
scares as their European counterparts.

Byrne backs new regime

Byrne backs new regime

The EU health commissioner David Byrne has urged food processors in
the United States to give Europe's new imposed GM traceability
regulations time to work. The move comes in response to widespread
opposition to the new regime...

Spanish boost for G&G

Spanish boost for G&G

Guyenne & Gascogne, the French retail group which operates a
number of stores under the Carrefour banner, suffered the same
downturn in sales at its French outlets in 2003 as the larger group
under whose fascia it trades - and...

Online help for manufacturers

Online help for manufacturers

A new system has been launched on the Internet to help food
producers cope with the complications of new EU meat labelling
regulations. The system provides manufacturers with the
Quantitative Ingredient Declaration (QUID) percentage,...

Two sides of RFID

Two sides of RFID

RFID has the potential to provide customers with more product
information than ever. But a new report claims that food
manufacturers and retailers will have to be careful that the
technology is not used against them, writes Anthony...

Tracing the food chain

Tracing the food chain

The European Commission has introduced TRACES, a new IT system
designed to improve the management of animal movements both from
outside the EU and within the EU. The system is designed to
simplify existing systems and create better...

Japan reviews food safety

Japan reviews food safety

Japan may be about to review its policy of testing all slaughtered
cattle for mad cow disease, a practice Tokyo has asked Washington
to adopt as a condition for resuming US beef imports. This is
encouraging news for US meat processors,...

Poultry poisoning breakthrough

Poultry poisoning breakthrough

Scientists from the Institute of Food Research (IFR), UK, have
found that specific probiotics - beneficial bacteria - can destroy
pathogenic bacteria living in the gut of poultry. The discovery
could help remove the threat of bacterial...

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