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Carrying a burden

Carrying a burden

A majority of traditional Irish food producers feel that they face
serious burdens to their survival and growth - but food safety
regualtions aren't one of them.

CLA focus for Cognis

CLA focus for Cognis

As speciality chemicals company Cognis heads for the FiE to promote
a number of ingredients - not least Tonalin CLA, results released
yesterday show a rise in organic growth for the health and
nutrition arm of the company in the third...

Potatoes in peril

Potatoes in peril

UK potato growers have pledged to contain and eradicate an outbreak
of the highly contagious disease potato ring rot found on a farm in

Focus on safety at FiE

Focus on safety at FiE

The German city of Frankfurt will look on as 12,000 food and drink
industry professionals hit the exhibition centre to eat up the
latest innovations and visit 1000 exhibitors at the 16th edition of
Fi Europe.

Black, the natural way

Black, the natural way

Facing up to the current challenging economic climate Danish
ingredients company Chr Hansen last month lifted previous profit
forecasts for the year on the back of decent ingredients growth and
higher exchange rates. Next week at...

Salty issue

Salty issue

The UK government announced this week that food manufacturers could
be forced to label food as 'high in salt' if they fail to
make significant progress in reducing the amount in their products.

Scottish safety

Scottish safety

A revision of the guidelines on the investigation and control of
outbreaks of foodborne disease in Scotland was agreed this week by
the Scottish Executive Health Department and the Food Standards
Agency Scotland.

Somerfield sales up

Somerfield sales up

Kwik Save continues to weigh down the performance of UK retailer
Somerfield, but second quarter and half yearly results reveal that
the margins are closing. Will Kwik Save turn the corner or will it
continue to hold Somerfield back?

Closures at National Starch

Closures at National Starch

Higher raw material costs continue to eat into margins for National
Starch, the starch ingredients arm of ICI, as third quarter figures
bore out last month. It comes as no surprise this week that the
company announced a 'redesign'...

Nestlé makes move on Ukraine

Nestlé makes move on Ukraine

Nestlé continues to pursue its strategy of getting a foothold in
just about every food market in the world. The recent purchase of
Ukrainian food processor Volyn Holding is the latest in a list of
acquisitions designed to cement the...

Olive oil rules!

Olive oil rules!

Measures to support the sustainable development of Europe's olive
oil crops find their roots in reform to the EU's Common
Agricultural Policy (CAP) cleared in June. The Commission is
working on new rules to take this further...

Tesco acquires Turkish chain

Tesco acquires Turkish chain

Tesco has announced that it has gained control of Kipa, a small
Turkish hypermarket chain by acquiring the necessary majorities of
the unlisted public shares in the company. The move will ensure a
much needed foothold in a market...

GMOs, the state of play

GMOs, the state of play

The advent of new European legislation on genetically modified
organisms - applicable as of last week - will hit all players in
the food industry. In a bid to render the new rules clearer we have
decided to take the step to publish...

Chewing the GM cud

Chewing the GM cud

If nothing else, the opening decade of the 21st century will go
down in the annals of time as the period the world went to war over
GMOs. When it comes to genetically modified organisms, passions run
deep and the path to reconciling...

EU warns Poland on food safety

EU warns Poland on food safety

The European Commission has sent a warning letter to the Polish
government saying that the country must do more to bring food
safety standards relating to meat production in line with current
EU regulations if it is to ensure a smooth...

Combine and conquer

Combine and conquer

Carmel, Israel's biggest wine producer, is joining forces with six
boutique wineries to mount a joint marketing campaign in the UK and
other important wine markets. The companies will hope to shake off
their kosher-only image...

British buy organic!

British buy organic!

The British chomped their way through £1 billion worth of organic
products in one year, making the UK the number three outlet -
behind the US and Germany - for organic foods in the world.

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