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UK aims for sustainable meals

UK aims for sustainable meals

A major review in the UK of food in the public sector will throw up
questions about environmental issues, food production methods,
local suppliers and nutrition. Government hopes the review will
lead to more environmentally-friendly...

WTO, winners and losers

WTO, winners and losers

As the countdown to the September rendez-vous for WTO global trade
negotiations in Cancun in Mexico begins, European agriculture
commissioner Franz Fischler shares his views on globalisation and
the market economy, and in particular,...

It's in the genes

It's in the genes

A gene discovered in bread wheat plants by Purdue University
researchers in the US has been found to be resistant to the
devastating leaf blotch.

Water ways

Water ways

UK firm Waterwise Technology has developed a range of ozone
generators with fully serviceable cells for use in food process
water applications.

GRAS status for milk protein

GRAS status for milk protein

A few months after the US Department of Agriculture gave the all
clear for processors to use activated lactoferrin, a milk protein,
to fight disease-causing bacteria arrives the endorsement from the
US Food and Drug Administration.

Doubling up safety

Doubling up safety

US firm Swift has implemented a new double pasteurisation system at
six of its American beef processing plants. The company believes
that this will significantly improve the group's food safety

Bacteria-battling milk

Bacteria-battling milk

The US Food and Drug Administration has said that it is safe to
spray lactoferrin, a milk protein, on to beef carcasses to fight
disease-causing bacteria such as E. coli 0157:H7.

New diet science for ice cream

New diet science for ice cream

The sugar content of foods is of increasing concern to consumers.
Food ingredients suppliers are constantly making moves to meet
these new needs. Danish ingredients company Danisco announced this
week that it has launched a new technology...

Sweet harvest for Danisco

Sweet harvest for Danisco

Despite a reduction in sugar beet acreage - a move designed to cut
the amount of sugar on the world market - Danisco expects this
year's harvest to be above average due to 'exceptionally favourable
weather conditions in...

Schott gets the nod

Schott gets the nod

The American Food and Drug Administration has given Schott HiCotec
approval for its innovative PICVD process for barrier coating in
food and beverage packaging made of PET.

US calls for GM dispute panel

US calls for GM dispute panel

The United States, Argentina and Canada have asked the World Trade
Organisation (WTO) to set up a dispute settlement panel to decide
whether or not the EU's policies on genetically modified organisms
(GMOs) constitute a barrier...

Seal of approval

Seal of approval

Packaging Automation, the heat-sealing equipment specialist, has
installed a second of its Vision 4000 machines at a
state-of-the-art salad factory in the UK.

Label law

Label law

Pig producers in the UK are calling for tighter legislation to govern the labelling of pork. Many producers claim that a current loophole in the law is allowing some processors to pass off foreign pork as British.

Sales boost for Boehringer

Sales boost for Boehringer

German pharmaceuticals and ingredients group Boehringer Ingelheim
has reported a successful first half-year, with sales in the first
six months of 2002 rising 21 per cent on the previous year to €3.7
billion and an operating income...

Novozymes riding high

Novozymes riding high

Danish enzymes company Novozymes continues on a high this year,
despite a slight fall in food enzyme sales for the quarter,
resulting in an overall boost to 13 per cent for its forecast for
net profit increase for the full year.

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