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Soy from Solbar

Soy from Solbar

As the popularity of soy products gains pace Israeli soy
ingredients company Solbar Plant Extracts announced this week that
it has launched a new, highly soluble soy isoflavone for functional
beverages, meal replacement and supplement...

Kiddy food safety detector

Kiddy food safety detector

DuPont has re-launched its BAX detection system - a genetics-based
screening method that identifies bacteria and pathogens in food and
food processing equipment - as a means of preventing Enterobacter
sakazakii in powdered infant...

Organic plan boosts US sales

Organic plan boosts US sales

A new organic programme in the US has lifted sales of organic food
and drink while western Europe saw growth slowing down on 2002
figures. New report predicts drop in growth for industrialised
world, but acceleration in developing...

Surebeam gets the nod

Surebeam gets the nod

SureBeam has been awarded a US patent on an in-line processing
system that is said to form food products, such as ground beef,
into optimal configurations for irradiation processing.

Fishing out the truth

Fishing out the truth

Radioactivity checks on farmed salmon from Scotland and Northern
Ireland exposed to Sellafield radiation show that there is no cause
for concern from eating these fish, according to the results of
work undertaken by both the Food...

Pocket-sized testing

Pocket-sized testing

DeltaTrak, a leader in the manufacture of portable test instruments
for a host of industries including food, has launched a family of
Pocket ThermoTrace Infrared Thermometers.

Vanilla systems for savings

Vanilla systems for savings

The volatile vanilla market has seen food manufacturers turning to
synthetic substitutes as prices per kilo soar from double to treble
figures in recent years. Danish ingredients giant Danisco - a
leading extractor of vanilla in the...

Rocky results for TFF

Rocky results for TFF

US firm Technology Flavors & Fragrances continues to falter in
2003 with a 70 per cent decrease in net income for the second
quarter, a decrease in net sales of 5.7 per cent and rising
operating costs.

Baking, upping the quality

Baking, upping the quality

Lloyd Instruments has developed a texture profiling system designed
to help the baking industry ensure end-product quality. The
product, called the TAPlus, is the company's latest texture
analyser to hit the market.

Return of the JacoBites

Return of the JacoBites

The British company best known for its Cream Crackers, has entered
the fast-growing snack market with the launch of a new cracker
brand, JacoBites. The group will invest £5m in promoting the new
crackers, which come in three different...

Targeting the grey consumer

Targeting the grey consumer

With Europe's population getting steadily older - and wealthier -
food companies should do more to target Senior consumers across the
continent, claims Datamonitor. But getting the right message across
in the right way is not...

Profit drops for DSM

Profit drops for DSM

By all accounts DSM presented a less than rosy set of second
quarterly figures this week with sales and operating profit figures
both plummeting. The company predicts a further downward trend in
the third quarter but should rebound...

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