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Sugar bail-out less than sweet

Sugar bail-out less than sweet

A federal government bail-out of the Australian sugar industry was
under threat on Tuesday after business and opposition groups, in
particular food manufacturers, objected to a three cent a kilogram
levy to fund the $120 million plan...

How powerful is the consumer?

How powerful is the consumer?

When David Byrne, European Commissioner responsible for Health and
Consumer Protection, issued a message of support this week to the
Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue (TACD) ahead of its 5th annual
meeting, it is unlikely that he anticipated...

A stake in health

A stake in health

Mergers and acquisitions in the food industry continue this week
with acquisitive Canadian company Stake technology taking over US
ingredients company Opta Food Ingredients at the price of €28m. The
move marks a bid by Stake to build...

I spy inulin

I spy inulin

Hyrdocolloid company TIC Gums has launched a new natural gum system
derived from vegetables for use to fortify foods and beverages with
dietary fibre.

Industry defends MSG

Industry defends MSG

A recent study from Japan, published in Experimental Eye
Research and reported in the latest issue of the New
Scientist, suggested that diets high in the flavour enhancer
monosodium glutamate could lead to vision loss. The glutamate...

Fish for brain health

Fish for brain health

Elderly people who eat fish or seafood at least once a week are at
lower risk of developing dementia, including Alzheimer's disease,
finds a study in this week's British Medical Journal.

Sticky rice evolves

Sticky rice evolves

A study by two North Carolina State University geneticists is
tracing the origin and evolution of a genetic mutation that long
ago led to the creation of a type of rice known as glutinous, or
"sticky," rice.

Croda in focus

Croda in focus

In a bid to improve its focus and accelerate growth from January
2003 UK chemical compny Croda International will have a new name
and a new structure to its European chemicals operations.

Catering for kids on the go

Catering for kids on the go

Les Petits Voyageurs, a range of four lunchboxes designed to help
children get a balanced meal and parents to provide them with it
with the minimum of fuss, is one of the most innovative products
launched at this week's SIAL...

Innovation round-up from SIAL

Innovation round-up from SIAL

Today marks the final time the doors of global food exhibition SIAL
will open in 2002. As visitors continue to pour through the
entrance of six exhibition halls, the popularity of this vast food
show remains certain. On the final...

Acrylamide update

Acrylamide update

In May 2002 Swedish scientists released information that
acrylamide, a potential carcinogen, had been found in a range of
foods. Food agencies across the world are monitoring the situation
very closely. An upcoming conference in the...

Opta sees black

Opta sees black

Food ingredients company Opta Food Ingredients this week boasted a
healthy 24 per cent increase in revenue for the third quarter with
the demand for fibre products largely fuelling the growth and
catapulting the company into the black.

GMOs: the road is long

GMOs: the road is long

The controversy surrounding genetically modified foods hotted up
this week as environmental campaigners Friends of the Earth (FOE)
on Tuesday launched its GM-free Britain campaign, calling on local
authorities to become GM-free zones.

Portable nutrients

Portable nutrients

US Department of Agriculture announces its flagship National
Nutrient Database, a listing of more than 6,000 food items, is
available for downloading free of charge onto handheld personal
digital assistants, or PDAs.

Bunge poised for record 2002

Bunge poised for record 2002

Bunge, the world's largest oilseed processor, which recently
acquired a 55 per cent stake in rival French-based Cereol, said
yesterday that quarterly earnings rose sharply as a slump in the
Brazilian currency helped boost the...

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