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Jobs to go at Martell

Jobs to go at Martell

Martell, the latest priority brand to join the Pernod Ricard
stable, will see a quarter of its workforce axed in the coming
months, a move Pernod says is necessary to keep the company

Solutions to acrylamide?

Solutions to acrylamide?

When scientists from Sweden reported earlier this year that several
ordinary foodstuffs could contain high levels of acrylamide - a
potentially cancer-causing chemical - governments, food
associations and food manufacturers drew a...

GM wheat: an unacceptable crop?

GM wheat: an unacceptable crop?

Europeans are not the only consumers wary about genetically
modified foods and the notion of GM wheat. A Reuters report
on Thursday elaborates on how Asian buyers of US wheat remain
largely opposed to the planned introduction of genetically...

Eckes to focus on juice

Eckes to focus on juice

Germany's Eckes group has announced plans to sell its alcoholic
beverage business in order to focus on its fruit juice operations,
citing increasing competition and declining margins as its main
reasons for the sale.

Cheaper chocolate?

Cheaper chocolate?

New research from the US claims that new, high-yielding selections
of Theobroma cacao, may offer new hope to the world's cacao
growers - and to chocolate manufacturers and chocolate lovers
across the world.

Snacking starches from Avebe

Snacking starches from Avebe

Dutch starch producer Avebe has unveiled a new line of functional
starches designed to improve the texture and processing of savoury
snacks. The Snacktex range is for use in extruded snacks, sheeted
and fried or baked snacks and coated...

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